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Jimin turned around and around shuffling into every position on the bed. He couldn't even sleep thinking about his 'mistake'.

He then turned to his right side to see Jungkook sound asleep.

He was worried.

Taemin was Jungkook's friend and he remembered how he ranted out to Tae who's not even an acquaintance for a start.

Jimin reached his hand out to caress his boyfriend's fringes. He lifted it a bit and—

"What are you doing..", a sore voice of Jungkook's spoke.

"Nothing", Jimin whispered.

Jungkook opened his eyes a little and saw Jimin wide awake.

"Did you even sleep?"

"I don't know"

"Are you worrying about something ?"


"Wanna talk about it?", Jungkook asked with eyes barely opened.

"No.. go back to sleep. You have a meeting later", Jimin didn't want to cause a hassle to his boyfriend who's quite busy these days.

"Get in here"

Jungkook pulled Jimin close to snuggle on the same pillow having the smaller to face his nape of neck.

Jimin ignored his worrisome and tried to at least get some sleep.

In the morning,

Jungkook was tying his necktie in the mirror and saw Jimin still asleep.

He was ready to go but usually Jimin would wake up earlier to get ready or make breakfast.

"Baby..", he called gently waking Jimin up.

Jimin just hummed.

"Hey i'm going to work now, telling you just in case", Jungkook stayed there waiting.

"What time is it?", Jimin rubbed his eyes.

"It's 7:45, you're gonna be late", Jungkook helped Jimin to sit up by holding both his arms, "you're burning up".

"I don't feel so good", Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook took a moment to think. He went down to the kitchen and came back after.

"Our meds are expired.. get up, i'll take you to the hospital", Jungkook convinced Jimin.

"You have a meeting", Jimin coughed.

"I'll call Jin and let him take care of you, okay?", Jungkook took a cardigan flopped from the chair and covered it over Jimin.

He then took a pair of socks and kneeled down to wear it on the smaller's feet.

"Up up", he led Jimin to stand up and went downstairs until into the car. 

At the hospital,

"Okay i'll handle him. You go.. you're late", Jin chased Jungkook away.

"Jiminie you stay here. I'll call the department doctor to come alright? He'll consult you right away", Jin looked busy and went away.

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