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"Is everything ok?" Jungkook with his hands on the waist cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean ?" Jimin leaned back a little smiling cause he's clueless.

"I don't know if it's just me but i feel weird"

"What's weird kookie? The necktie i chose for you?"

"You are. I mean when we're downstairs with the guys", Jimin was silent for a five seconds finally getting Jungkook's point.

"You don't even let me touch you"

"We don't want them saying anything right?" Jimin let anything coming out from his mouth

"As if they care, babe they're one of us" Jungkook scoffed, "I can tell when you're hiding something from me Park Jimin" Jungkook crossed his arms getting more serious.

"Don't call my name with that tone. You sound like my dad" Jimin began pouting eyebrows furrowed.

"Then tell me what's going on? Did i jack you off without your consent during my sleep or something?"

"What? No! it's nothing really" he lied, "Calm down kookie, maybe i just felt busy doing the chores and all" he stood up

Jungkook just sighed gaining back his trust towards Jimin slowly fading in. Maybe he was thinking it wrongly.

Guess it's really moon day.

"Why don't.. we just be all romantic quietly? Just for us" while fixing the taller's shirt collar.

"really there's nothing going on right now?" Jungkook stroked Jimin's head.

Jimin shook his head wrapping his hands around Jungkook's neck, "no" he said quietly, "Tell Junghyun i said hi".

"You sure you don't wanna come?" the taller held Jimin by his waist.

"Taehyung's gonna be with me. t's been so long since i hang out with him. I'll tell you how it is when you come back ok?"

Jungkook nodded kissing Jimin a goodbye before leaving the bedroom door shouting "i'll call you". As the door was closed shut Jimin rubbed his forehead with the edges of his fingers feeling guilty that he lied to his boyfriend.

But what's the use of telling Jungkook that his best friend from his old highschool had a crush on him? It might even turn out worse than expected.

Tae might be kicked out from the house for Jungkook who's fierce not wanting the long lost friend to snatch Jimin away from him. Or even lost contact of Jimin just to keep him away from Tae.

Jimin nodded praising himself hoping such lie would turn out worth it.

But will it?


"I was expecting Jimin for lunch so i booked for three. You didn't invite him?" Junghyun asked his brother while waiting for the elevator to reach their floor.

"He's spending time with his friend from highschool. He said hi too" as they stepped into the not so crowded space.

"Nice tie by the way" the elder praised

Jungkook caressed the necktie on him smiling for a moment feeling proud of Jimin's choice was perfect. He turned to his brother who's busy talking to the secretary next to him nodding at the information given from a planned out schedule on a book.

He stood there tapping the floor with his shiny shoes looking up at the floor numbers beginning to change until they reach their floor. The three males stepped out arriving at head quarters floor. Jungkook trailed behind his brother bowing politely to every single staff at their computers as they bowed back to him.

He finally reached into a spacious office gasping at the transparent-emerald window installed from the top ceiling down to the edge of floor replacing the wall. The room was painted light blue, a combination of grey perfectly went along with a couch, a coffee table, the main desk, a record player at the end and a shelf with neatly arranged files and papers.

The view of buildings in the city was captivating calling the boy to come closer touching the thick glass. His eyes didn't blink, mouth slightly parted astonished by the wealthiness of his own ancestors.

Junghyun smirked at his little brother and signalled the secretary to leave them alone. He approached Jungkook wrapping his hands above his shoulders also enjoying the view.

"Soon it's your to keep"

"Soon? But hyung, i just turned 18" his eyes worried,

"I'm gonna teach you. Every bit of it and you'll be a pro in no time" he gave a brotherly look to Jungkook who remained silent still couldn't believe he'll be handling the huge company on his own,

"In a few weeks there will be a huge ceremony here. Dad's gonna retire. I'll be taking the chairman's place, and you kookie, you'll be in the CEO's seat"

Jungkook slowly nodded and shifted his eyes to the slightly same height guy, "but hyung.."

Junghyun hummed waiting for him to continue,

"I thought.."


"I thought i'm the one who'll be nominated as chairman"

"Why's that?"

"cause yknow.." he scoffed at himself as he slowly walked backwards, "i'm just better than you are in many different ways" Jungkook playfully pushing Junghyun away slipping from his brother's hold trying to run away

"Wait another 50 years you brat! Come here!" Junghyun chased him across the room passing by the door and locking it knowing the younger had nowhere to go.


"Do you want me to cook for you?"


"Do you feel like talking about the other night?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"A drink? Soju! I have soju"

"It's daylight"

"How about a hug?"



"Yeah and Jungkook's gonna shove his fist right in my throat and kill me"

Jimin pouted at Tae's respond staring at the tv switching every channel he landed on. Tae sighed turning off the flat screen looking at the smaller,

"Jimin ah, i came all the way to Seoul to hang out with you. As a friend should do" he cleared his statement,


"Let's go out..anywhere like when we were in highschool, same old same old yeah? Don't worry about what i said to you. Just forget it. It's all in the past now" he got up to the living room and came back with a coat on.

Jimin looked up to him trying to control his guilt not to show, "you good?"

Tae nodded as Jimin went upstairs to get ready.

A/n: College's been
hectic guys :) but here's
an update :) thank you
for staying 🖤

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