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That evening..

"Where did you go? You think you can just lock me in and you having fun outside? This is a clearly a kidnap" Jimin hurriedly ran downstairs as soon as he heard the front door opened.

He turned to Jungkook he just arrived from outside.

"Jin's. I brought your clothes." he came in with a gym bag as he looked up at Jimin who's at the stairs.

"My clothes ?? I'm not gonna stay here forever" Jimin crossed his arms.

"I have you for the weekend. You're not fully recovered yet" Jungkook handed him the bag.

Jimin just looked at him in a stare. Thinking if he should rebel again or give up this once.

"And don't use your energy too much, you'll faint again alright?" Jungkook asked in a not so desperate tone.

Jimin huffed and took the bag from the taller's hand and went downstairs. He walked straight into the guest's room and had it closed shut from the inside.

Jungkook sighed since he already knew there's no way Jimin wanted to stay in the same room as his. So at least they're in the same house. Just a floor away.


Knock knock

"Jiminie.. can you at least have dinner?"

Jimin on his bed looked at the locked door hearing Jungkook calling him from the outside. But he didn't give a reply.

His tummy kept rumbling but he didn't want to shamelessly go out to eat when he's showing all sorts of attitude towards the house owner.

"I'm going to sleep in a bit. You can eat then if you don't want me around."

Jungkook just read his mind. Jimin waited for another half an hour before he creaked the door open.

He tiptoed to the kitchen like a mouse hunting for food and making sure no one's around. His food got cold. He reheat them and sat on the counter while waiting.

He got bored and looked around the house. Nothing much changed. Everything was still in place. The furnitures were still the same, the three steps stair he used to climb to get wine was left folded by the mop and brooms, the utensils he always used when cooking.

He smiled to himself by only looking at them.

As the food was ready he took them out with him at the balcony. It was cold but he just loved that spot too much. It's his therapy session place with his diary. The only time he could think outside the world by himself.

He turned to look at his phone's lock screen. It was half past one in the dark. He looked up at the sky though there weren't any stars. The moon was still a baby peeking in between the grey clouds fading away behind.

Jimin was in his pyjamas. And it was really cold. He didn't finish his food and stayed longer. He won't be there at the very balcony after the weekends so he took his time.


He turned his head around to the sound of the door opening behind him. Jungkook stood there and closing it as he walked out near him.

Jimin didn't say a word and just glared in silence though he had much to blabber about.

"You barely touched your food" Jungkook said as he saw the meal on the plates only budged like a few bites.

Jimin took his own hands keeping them under his butt due to the cool breeze that made him shiver.

"You don't have to talk to me. But it's cold so wear this" Jungkook held out a pair of thick and fluffy socks.

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