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"Why are we all dolled up again?" Jimin closed his eyes as Hobi applied a greyish nude eyeshadow on Jimin's eyelid.

"I want you to look faboo when you see that scumbag. I made your hair fluffy enough so you could flip it in his face" Hobi rolled his as eyes as he demonstrated a hair flipping with his head almost snapping his neck.

"Hobi i won't be hair flipping or anything" Jimin sighed a laugh

"Girl i don't do your hair three hours for nothin" Hobi glared to Jimin who just shook his head,

"Well also there's gonna be an auction so who knows, those rich people are kind enough to buy you something that'll cost more than your kidney. You might be lucky" Hobi lifted his chin focusing on his work

"I rather live off with only my kidney" Jimin mumbled

"Just play along" Hobi gave Jimin a mirror to look at himself as he's done touching up.

Jimin stared longer than Hobi expected, "is it that bad? I thought you like it simple cause yknow i was planning to do it a little smoky"

"No, hobi it's perfect" Jimin quietly responded

"Hey listen..if it's about Jungkook you can still change your mind. I can stay at home with you, we can spend the night. We can watch gossip girl or something" Hobi in all hopes trying to console him

"Nahh, I'm going" Jimin smiled as Hobi hugged him on his shoulder

"You have us minie. We've got you" as Hobi pat on his back.

"Thank you" he closed his eyes.


"May i see your pass?" the security guard at the gate in black tux bent down to Namjoon who's at the driver's seat waiting for him to let them in.

Namjoon gave him the card that's different than any other cards as it was specially dedicated to them for the invitation to the exhibition.

"This pass allows only four" Jimin looked away as he heard the fact that he wasn't actually invited.

"A friend. Mr Jeon's informed" as Jin peeked through the car window from the passenger's seat

The guard stepped back letting the car go in through the gate as trailed by cars behind in line.

One thing for sure, Jungkook won't ever expect Jimin to show up. And he couldn't care less if he did.

As they got off, Jimin looked around the house. Missing the place where he usually lived in. The living room was renovated for the exhibition purposes. It turned into a hallway with alleys for guest to walk around and view the paintings and products entirely made by Jungkook.

Jimin walked around trailing behind the guys while immensely absorbed in the terrific paintings around him hanging on the wall. All
with a plat of 'do not touch'.

"This one's lit am not gonna lie" Yoongi sipped the wine in his hand whilst looking at a drawn black and white floating creature seemingly like half angel half demon.

"I bet this beauty's more than 1 million" Jin nodded

"Yeah I remembered he drew a bachelor's daughter and her dad paid for like 1.5 million".

"He's makin money in his sleep" Hobi gasped

Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. Jimin didn't really want to meet and talk to him. He's smart enough control his needs and tried to be as cautious so that Jungkook won't push him away nor him causing a scene.

"It's ten minutes till auction guys" Namjoon led the way pulling Jin into his hold as they walked to the main alley where the auction would be held.

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