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"Where were you?"

Hobi crossed his arms leaning back in his seat infront of his steamy kalguksu. He stared at the human infront of him waiting for an explanation.

Jimin didn't look at his friend and took the last sip of his own kalguksu before sitting up properly. He cleared his throat and licked the salty dripping residue on his lips before speaking up. He looked around to avoid the sharp gaze Hobi was giving.

"What do you mean?"

"You brat you know what i mean"

"Training? Work? I had to send my group's application for Puma remember ?"

"Last night. Where were you last night ?", Hobi tapped the table with his finger nail a few times,

"Jin's", he lied.

"Do you want a spank or a kick in the ass ? Jin called me asking where you went and i had to lie saying you're at yoongi's because i'm a good friend who won't betray you"


"You're welcome. I called you ten times too and you didn't even bother to call me back. Now tell me before i ask Jungkook myself", Hobi raised a sassy brow.

"Well you have your answer okay?", Jimin pursed his lips.

"You were at his place ??"


"Then what about his fiancé wannabe?"

"Jieun? She knew i came but she had to sleep early so she had no idea we-"

"You guys had sex ?!", Hobi jolted making the people at other tables look at his reaction.

Jimin frowned pulling him to sit down and hushed him as he nodded.

"Slow down"

"Did you guys really ?? In the same house where the bitch was? You crazy people..", Hobi gasped.

"Don't call her that. Jieun's really kind. And yes, we just happened to.."

"Yeah no shit like people just happen to choose mint ice cream when they can just squeeze the whole toothpaste in their mouths"

"Wh-what are you talking about? I'm sorry this happened so quick cause i know it's still early and all-"

"Sorry ? Why? I'm happy for both of you"

"R-really? Aren't you mad ?"

"Pfft..Why would i be mad ? It's your choice. And i know whatever you choose for yourself is the best for you. Sometimes i believe in you more than myself"

"Wow Hobi.. I mean why? i thought you didn't like us being together"

"You psycho. I'd sell my kidney to see you guys together again. What i said the other day was just to make sure you see things clearly. I have no reason to make you change your mind and i know having Jungkook by your side can solve every problem you have. I swear"

"Thanks really" Jimin smiled to his ears knowing the most important person he cared for could finally accept his decision.

It was like a while weight being lifted off of his shoulder. At least a part of it.


"I guess for the other part we can leave it to you Mr Lao", Jungkook held out a pen.

"Yes, my secretary will call you when things are done", he took the pen to sign and stood up.

"Thank you", they shook hands and Mr Lao bowed politely to Jieun who was standing by Jungkook.

As he left, Jungkook went to his desk to put whatever he needed to into the files on the organiser. He flipped open one of the yellow files and found two movie tickets. He then looked up to Jieun.

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