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"I love you honey. Dad would be so proud"

Mrs Park had her hands around Jimin's neck as they swayed along with the song.

"Now, it's time for the newlyweds to steal the ball", the emcee spoke.

Mrs Park kissed Jimin on the forehead then on the cheek before letting go. She slightly bowed to Jungkook whose turn to claim what was his.

"Hi beautiful"

Jungkook whispered as he took Jimin's hands in his. They began moving slowly motioning around in the middle of the platform. Everyone around admired them quietly.

"I can't believe this is happening", Jimin rested his head on Jungkook's chest.

"Well it happened", Jungkook pulled him close at the waist.

"I'm gonna love you forever baby. I'll never stop even when you tell me to. I'd rather die than to hear you say you hate me. You're everything to me. Fuck you're the most precious no one can deny that"

"You could've said that in the vows", Jimin said.

"I've been imagining things now that we're married. I wanna love you right, i wanna give you everything you deserve. I wanna let you know that everything that matters is all about you", Jungkook added.

"Say something"

Jimin looked up at him.

"I've been saying a lot of things. I just didn't day it out loud", Jimin smiled weak.

"That's more than enough"

Jungkook put his hand at the back of Jimin's head lifting it up to his face. They kissed deeply and it wasn't compatible to any moment they had before. It was different.

They then went to greet people.

"I bought you guys a house", Tae said.

"Wha the hell Tae ?!", Jimin gasped.

"Kidding !", he and Jungkook laughed.

"Good one", Jungkook said still laughing.

"Funny you mentioned me", Taemin said as the couple approached to say hi.

"He did", Jimin pointed at the taller who looked away.

"I called your ass out to claim what's mine. I know you touched him half way", Jungkook proudly showed his revenge.

"You're being weird kooks", Taemin shook his head.

"Am i ?"

"You are", Jimin agreed.

"Don't forget i claimed you back in the days", Taemin added.

"Okay now you're both weird", Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You two look great. I wish you happiness", Taemin praised.

Jimin and Jungkook with arms wrapped around each other walked to another table greeting others.

"Hey", Jieun approached.

"Oh my god you came !", Jimin hugged her lightly.

"Looky", she pointed at her shoes happily.

"I knew you'd remember to wear them. It suits you", Jungkook said smiling too.

"It looks pretty on you", Jimin praised.

"And oh, i prepared a gift. It's with the yellow wrapper over there", she pointed afar.

"We love it already", Jungkook nodded.

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