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Morning came, Jungkook got ready early.

Not for anything , just that he felt like it. Also.. he thought that he should come before Jimin, at least he could apologise to him personally when no one's around.

Also for a reason he didn't want to admit..


\\at school//

He entered the class and,

Fuck, he's already there..Why am i just standing here, be cool.

Jungkook walked behind a quiet Jimin at his seat and sat at his peeking of what he's doing.

He was video calling someone. He turned around seeing jungkook passed by and about to  hang up. But Jungkook quickly grabs his index finger before he got to tap the red button making Jimin turned to him confused with his mouth slightly open.

He shook his head signing an 'it's ok' to jimin. He put down his bag and left the class.

"Hmm, i think i gotta go now"

"Ok then, let's meet up soon"

"Bye taetae"

"Bye jiminie"

Jimin went towards the door to check on jungkook thinking he might be waiting outside. Just at the entrance he bumped into him pushing himself a step back.

Jungkook in a sudden act held both Jimin's arms preventing him to fall. Jimin's eyes got widened surprised at the moment. Jungkook was strong enough he didn't even flinch. For a moment he lost himself staring at the beautiful human being right infront of him

He's actually quite soft for a body like this. He's pretty cute up close. And those eyes are so- wait what the fuck ?!

Jungkook let Jimin go, "i didn't mean to",

"No i didn't mean to" Jimin looked down embarrassed.

"Hey umm.. i'm sorry for being an asshole yesterday"

"Nah it's fine, i mean i did took a quick peek" Jimin chuckled,

"How was it"

"Really great actually"

"I can draw people too by the way"

Jimin gasped in awe "maybe you can draw me",

"I could or" what the hell am i saying?!, Jungkook snapped,

"Hey i have a friend, and he kinda likes you and he just want to get to know you"

"I'm not really into this sorta thing yknow" Jimin shrugged shaking his head smiling guilty.

Jungkook nodded understanding his situation.

After a few torturing lessons it's finally break time. Jimin got up to leave and looked at a sleeping Jungkook wondering if he'd go for lunch.

But he didn't think it's right to wake him up. Jungkook never goes for lunch, he declared no meal is competitive enough than his mum's.
He'd usually sleep until break is over eventhough he might starve.

Around 15 minutes of dozing off, he needed to take a piss. He got up and went straight to the men's room around the corner from his class.

As he's done, he saw a few senior guys hovering someone in one of the cubicles. They were known to bully the younger ones but wouldn't dare to touch Jungkook.

He always had the thought to help those who were bullied but he's smart enough to back off to not get involved so he won't cause trouble kicking other people's butt.

"Please let me go" the student whimpered.

Jungkook shook his head nope just walk away jungkook.

"Ahhh stop" he moaned.

"Shut the fuck up you dog" the bully mumbled.

Here goes

Jungkook kicked the door open. He glanced at the two senior bully with someone familiar. One holding him by the neck almost chocking. Another had his hand on his crotch squeezing it. He then looked up to the student's face, eyes widened not believing of what he's witnessed


Tears falling down on jimin's cheeks, desperate to get out of there. His wrist was flesh red from the struggle of trying to resist the bully. His pants was pulled down to his knees along with his boxers. His teary red eyes stared at Jungkook, panting asking for help.

The bully stopped looking at each other then shifted to jungkook whose eyes sharply darted towards them.

"Get the fuck out." Jungkook glared "don't make me say it twice"

The two stumbled as they hurriedly ran out of the stall exiting the restroom leaving jimin in a mess. Jimin fell to the floor to his knees crying. Still with his pants down, ripped uniform exposing his chest with dark hickeys on his collarbone.

Jungkook was quick to rip off a few toilet papers a wiped Jimin's cum on his thighs. He was too weak to even open his eyes still catching his breath.

He hesitated to wipe at the tip of Jimin's crotch but too worried to leave him be. He lifted jimin making him sit on the toilet seat. He held his back with one hand and pulled his pants up zipping it.

"Jimin ah" he shook Jimin's shoulder a few times,

Jimin still had his eyes closed weakly bending down. He then lifted him like holding a baby sort of way to make him stand on his feet.

"I'll take you to the gym, i have extra clothes in my locker" he wrapped his hands around Jimin and walked with him.

The gym was empty. He sat him down and took his extra uniform out of his locker and began to unbutton his shirt until his hand was gripped on, stopping him.

"Let me", Jungkook looked into his eyes asking for permission.

He knew Jimin was embarrassed but he just needed to help the poor thing. He lifted took off jimin's ripped uniform and wore him his.

He sat to Jimin's knee level,

"Yah, are you ok.." he concerned, "do you want something",

Jimin shook his head taking a deep breath, "no" his voice trembled,

"It's ok now Jimin" he held jimin's hand.

In a moment Jimin squeezed Jungkook's hands with his head looking down frightened of his traumatic experience just now.

"dad i'm sorry", Jimin whispered,


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