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"Let's go to the movies", she said pulling Jungkook's arm together with her.

Upon arriving at the cinemas, Jieun held Jungkook's forearm as firm, showing that she's desperate. Jungkook didn't back off instead he felt weird noticing how the girl was acting different than usual.

"Marvel's out", Jungkook was interested at the screening poster.

"No i wanna see a romantic movie. Anything that's romantic", she wanted to be selfish, wanted to use all the time she had left.

"Romantic?", Jungkook didn't really approve but he didn't want to add fuel to fire.

Specifically, a four years younger fiance, female, innocent looking, on period, and adorably clingy at certain times.

Jungkook didn't want to see her turn into a fire breathing dragon so he'd say yes to anything she wanted.

"Okay, this one please", he queued for tickets at the counter.

"Couple seats !", she pointed at the row that had plenty of couple seats available.

"Couple.. seats?", Jungkook bewildered at her and Jieun glared like you dare to say no ?!, "Okay couple seat it is", he paid.

"You two look very cute together", the cashier praised a compliment.

"Thank you! I guess it's meant to be right?", Jieun stole a quick glance though the male gave a fake smile.

She pulled Jungkook's arm to the next counter.

"One large popcorn and two cokes", Jungkook gave his card.

"One coke", Jieun proudly announced she wanted one drink. And by means only one drink with literally one straw!


"We can share. We'll be sharing almost everything after getting married", Jieun snickered her inner demonic self.

"Lee Jieun you sure you okay ?", Jungkook was really worried why Jieun was extra and extra clingy.

"Yeah", she simply shrugged.

"You can tell me if there's anything going on"

"Jungkook.. i might just die early or you find a better lover. So let's use the time we have and do all the kinks we might not be able to later", she said that without looking.

Jungkook took a moment of silence. She knew? She knew.. seemed that way.


"Look, our hall's open now..Let's go", she walked without him.

Jungkook didn't know what to do.

The girl now knew.

He looked down for a second. In his hands were a popcorn, a large coke with one straw, two tickets for a romantic movie.

He looked up forward. There's a girl almost as childish as a five year old who just said he might find a new lover. And that couldn't be more true. That's why she wanted a date.

Maybe it would be her last date.

Jungkook hastily took out his phone and texted Jimin real quick.

'Can't promise dinner today. Sorry babe'

He walked towards Jieun who was waiting in line to go in. He handed her the popcorn and drink letting him hold nothing.

"Why am i holding all of them?!", she nagged.

"Cause i wanna hold you", Jungkook put his arms around her shoulder and she just stared at him.

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