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Jungkook drove Jimin home.

Before he took the last turn reaching Jin's house he slowed down and stopped by the side of the road where there's only a lamp post shining its dim light as it penetrated the car window.

The only source of light shone right across Jimin's face making Jungkook stare at him as long.

"It's late" Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook whose eyes were fondly looking into his.

"It is late", the taller whispered.

"What are you thinking about?", Jimin grew a smirk.

"You", he took Jimin's hands into his.

"stop", the smaller chuckled rolling his eyes.

"Okay then. Us", he smiled.

"oh god", Jimin sniffed a chuckle.

Jimin leaned back at the passenger's seat staring at the empty aesthetic street. It was quiet whilst Jungkook was only looking at him from the side.

"Now what are you thinking", Jungkook asked Jimin who stayed silent while intertwining their fingers tighter.

"The future" he said.

"We're together now. Whatever happens next it's you and me. You don't need to worry anything".

Jimin then turned to him while intertwining their hands together.

"You have a fiancè now. I'm sorry i was a step late"

"Don't you dare say sorry. You never did anything wrong. It was all me. I hurt you, i ignore you. I even agreed to a crap contract cause i was so mad at myself. And now i need to cancel the agreement but it'll turn out so bad"

Jimin glanced at Jungkook who was regretting his actions. But he didn't care what the he ever done to him. He never hold grudges. He just couldn't.

He loved him too much.

Too much he didn't notice his fault.

Too much he didn't see any flaw.

"I met her", Jimin whispered.

"Jieun? You mean at dinner? I didn't want you to. I'm sorry"

"I mean at the company"


"She's attending ballet"

"She mentioned ballet but she didn't say where she's taking it", Jungkook realised a fact,
"Did you tell her anything?".

"No.. but she really likes you", Jimin grinned.

"and i don't".

"What i meant to say is, treat her well. Break up with her rationally", Jimin scoffed at the dumbness he saw in Jungkook.

"It's gonna take time. Can you wait?"





"Hey", Jin looked up as Jimin entered.

The guys were there having snacks and junk foods. It was quite lively than a usual sleepover. Two were on the carpet. Two were on the couch.

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