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Jimin felt so heavy on the inside but he knew what he's doing was the best for Jungkook.

"I can't believe you're this selfish" Jungkook said in despair at Jimin's respond.

"I just am"

Jimin's eyes got teary. He knew his voice would crack if he continued to say anything. He went straight to the door but was stopped by Jungkook gripping his arms.

Jungkook turned Jimin around facing him and took him into a hug. He squeezed the smaller ever so tight. Jimin's face buried in his chest that he could smell the taller's scent.

Jimin had his tears fell down and was desperate to hug him back but he needed to show Jungkook that he didn't want him anymore.

That he's selfish.

That he loathed him.

That he moved on.

All for Jungkook's sake.

"Let go of me"

"Just why are you running away? I don't get it..This is so not like you" he said in the hug.

"I don't wanna be with you" he controlled his voice so it would sound stable though his eyes were flooded with tears.

"You're lying. I forgave you long time ago even before i knew the reason you're in bed with tae. And i was right.. you would never do such things after he told me what happened" Jungkook didn't ever want to let go off Jimin.

"You're not listening to me" Jimin whispered,

"What is the problem seriously? You're just gonna leave me cause you found an old crumpled paper about Junghyun? Ok, my family has a murderer that we're not even sure if it's true, that's it?"

Of course it's true. You just don't know

"Those five months..It made me realise that we shouldn't be together. Your family wasn't really the reason" Jimin forced a huge lie making his chest burning more with his heart hurting like crazy.

"What are you talking about?? Of course we are meant for each other. I don't see why not. If this is about my brother i can't tell why he's even in the way. I'm really sorry if he really set you up but that's about him and this is about us" Jungkook finally let go looking at Jimin who looked down at the floor.

Jimin took Jungkook's hand off from his arms and stared blankly at the taller,

"Jungkook i just don't love you anymore"

Jungkook just stood at his place staring down at Jimin in disbelief. He never knew such torturing words would come out from Jimin's mouth that made him feel like he was stabbed at the same spot.

Like a knife being pulled in and out again and again.

"You didn't ask hobi to take you home because of this ? You naturally come in here just to let me know that it's over ? I can't believe you're so cruel"

Jungkook stated what he thought was going on.

Jimin stared back at him and failed at holding back his tears. He prevented to blink but it fell down across his face anyway.

"I'm leaving now"

He gave his final words and quietly left the room leaving Jungkook all miserable by himself.

Jimin went to his room and fell down crouching against the door. He hit his chest over and over couldn't believe himself that he actually said that to his lover.

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