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It's dark. Nothing. And it feels heavy.. Oh-

Jungkook lifted his arm that was covering his eyes. He realised he was still on jimin's bed and dozed off earlier, tired to open his puffy eyes from before.

He sat up rubbing the back of his neck looking to both his side. Jimin wasn't around. He walked up to the fridge to wash his dry throat and took out coke.

And a note was on the fridge door,

I had to take over a partner's shift till 9pm. Eat dinner before you go.

"He didn't have to do this much" jungkook sighed turned to the japanese dining table finding a full set course meal for dinner.

He sat at the table and dug in. He didn't expect to enjoy every bite of it. It's even better than the school's cafeteria.


Jimin got home, turning all the lights on. He took off his jacket and hung it behind the door and landed straight on the bed rubbing his eyes , groaning tired from work. 

He popped up to a standing position and walked to the kitchen. It was clean.

Jungkook didn't leave a single dish undone and even took out the trash. Jimin was in awe and turned to the fridge looking at the note he left, finding out there's a reply underneath,

In return :)

He opened the fridge and looked everywhere. It was filled with all needs.. vegetables, fruits, sauces, eggs, milk, tofu, cheese, butter, enough to fit perfectly in his tiny fridge.

Jimin straight away texted jungkook saying thank you.

Meanwhile far away

"Why is it so hard for you to accept him?!"

"You know very well why, son"

"2 years, dad. It's been 2 years."

"He has nothing! Can't you see that? No parents, no family, no money, no shame and especially no pride. You're too good for him"

"Just so you know, you're the one who made me lost my pride"

Jin hung up. He crossed his arms at the balcony staring at the open yard, and slowly sighed closing his eyes.

In a second he felt hands massaging his shoulders, he sighed deeply under his boyfriend's arms. He rested his head on back onto namjoon's shoulder trying to conceal with the pressure,

"It's entirely my fault. Sorry about my dad"

"It's not that. You should go home"

"I can't go home, what about you.."

"Babe i can stay here. I'll wait for you"

"You know i can't do that" jin walked away leaving namjoon outside feeling the need to deal with shit alone.


There went the school bell again. As usual, students would be crowded at the cafeteria during recess and jungkook would get sick of it.

As he was sleeping at his desk, he peeked through his arms, jimin wasn't next to him.

"That's not how you do it" yoongi laughed sitting next to jimin at the piano

"Ok you can read music, i don't even know a single thing on that paper" jimin pouted

"Alright mr grumpy, let's try again"

They were having fun playing the keys on the keyboard. Also eating food that they ordered in the tiny room.

In the chaotic atmosphere filled with laughter and joy, jimin got bored.

"Ok i'll show you what i've been working on"

Yoongi played the melody he wrote himself, pressing the keys ever so delicate treating the piano as a fragile treasure.

The melodious music got into jimin's head as he stared at yoongi fondly, admiring his hand work and trying to get into the genius mind of his.

He just realised how beautiful yoongi was when he became seriously focused submitting himself to the narrow room full filling the content with harmonious sounds of his elegance caregiving instrument.

Yoongi paused his movement as jimin suddenly grabbed his wrist staring at the keys.

In a swift move, yoongi pulled jimin to meet his lips and kissed him. Jimin gave in kissing him back tugging his hands on yoongi's sleeves.

Yoongi held onto jimin's jawline and suddenly got pushed away, he turned silent shocked after being pulled off.

"We can't" jimin looked away


"You.. you have a girlfriend"


"You have a girlfriend" jimin repeated

"I heard what you said, but what bullshit is that?" Yoongi was clueless

"In the library.. i saw you"

Yoongi sighed, not accepting the fact that jimin saw him getting a blowjob in the library the other day.

"She was nobody"

"Someone gave you a blow and it was nobody?"

"Jimin ah, let me be honest" yoongi looked at jimin who seemed suspicious

"I fuck. I fuck people to get things out of my head. You might seem me like an asshole but i see you differently. You're not like anyone else"

Jimin's eyes got worried as yoongi confessed the unexpected.

"I don't want to take risks" jimin shook his head

"I'm not gonna force you. But give me a chance, i'll show you that i can be better" yoongi held jimin's hands.

The room turned into a dead silence. No answer came out from jimin's mouth, but his hands were still held tight.

Little did they knew, a pair of eyes were observing at the slightly opened door,

quiet with hands of fists trembling.

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