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"Jimin ssi ?"

Jimin turned to his name called, "yes?"

"Whenever you're ready in five", a staff reminded.

Jimin looked into the mirror where he was touched up. All ready for the show.

He was perfect but he just couldn't see it. A little shade of red and grey on the eyelids, a stamp of pale pink gloss, a fantastic smack of highlight across his cheekbones.

But somehow lost confidence. He was worried. Very worried. It's the exact day for Jungkook to come out on the press conference about the broken engagement.

"Please reply me", he hoped waiting for his black screen to light up, "please..kookie..", he said again and again.

Jimin got up and sighed. He felt slightly nervous for Jungkook and also himself. He drank his lemonade and sighed again to grab his last piece of clothing to wear.

Ding !

A text came in. He hurriedly chased to his phone knocking the items on the table down.

'Are you ready?' —kookie

'Almost. I'm nervous' —jimin

'That's not you' —kookie

'I'm nervous for you kookie' —jimin

'i'm nervous too. Cause you look so beautiful' —kookie

'Wdym?' —jimin

'Turn around' —kookie

Jimin's eyes was full of excitement and he turned to a tall guy at the door. He smiled to his ears running to him into a hug.

Jungkook hugged back sniffing the shorter's hair. Jimin could hear his breath and looked up.

"Aren't you late?", Jimin worried.

"I am", Jungkook nodded, "but i gotta see you first"

"I.. hmm", Jimin stuttered.

"Hey.. it'll be okay, i'll call you as soon as it's done", Jungkook slowly said.

Jimin wrapping at his lower abdomen then rested his head on the chest, "it's gonna be a long day"

"It is. And we're on the right path now i want you to know that. Cause everything isn't as easy anymore"

"It was never easy", Jimin weakly smiled and Jungkook placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm leaving now. I asked Hobi to take some pictures", Jungkook waved by the door.

"Bye..", Jimin hugged himself forcing to wave his hand.


Jimin let out a deep breath. He stood first in line behind the thick curtains. Music overwhelmed the whole room and other models looking fabulous queueing behind him.

He looked at his right side and from across, Hobi held a camera videotaping him. He just smiled and turned back to the front.

"Our first model leads the group. Presenting Puma company's Korean Olympic Team uniform, Park Jimin", the announcer called out.

Jimin walked out on the runaway and the seats were filled like a semi circle around him. He kept his posture to not smile, slightly parting his lips walking on the stage.

The long isle with a two path way branching out for sub models to pose was his boundary. He stopped made a full turn showing his sponsored outfit.

The audience gasped and began talking. He didn't want to take a hint. He just earned a whole new level of confidence by being himself and doing what he wanted.

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