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"Sir we've cleaned the house for you and we've organised your collection for the big day. Is there anything else to be done?"

"That painting too.. clean the frame well. Prepare it ready with the others"

"Yes sir"


"My name is Park Jimin. I have strong passion in dancing, singing, and I can even do gymnast.  I believe to step out of my cage is to prove the satisfaction I could give you from my attitude and the effort I will fully put in. I am more than prepared to show you the best in what I've got" he bowed more than 90 degrees to the panels squeezing his eyes shut nervous at the introduction he imposed hoping to leave a good first impression.

"Haha you're quite a competition yeah Mr. Park. Ok,show us what you've got" one the three judges leaned back, another pillowing his chin in his hands and the last bit his pen.

As the curtains rose, the spotlight shone from the upper staircase at his elevation sight, he took a deep breath.

Then music began. He stood with his back arched and his hands stretched to the sky as if in submission. The light on the stage turned bright and the rhythm started to pulse in him. His foot was lifted to where it didn't touch the floor, balanced perfectly maintaining his body with the other graceful as a swan.

A black swan slowly fading out into white feathers moving back and forth almost flying across the whole theatre room. He swayed as the beat synchronised his breathing and heartbeat claiming the stage as his and only his.

His eyes scanned the panels and the amount of fellow onlookers that were his competition in the seats as though they were audiences of his focusing and paying full attention to him on the wooden platform.

His oversized tank with black tight shorts completed the whole view, the contestant number pinned on the cloth beneath his calf, hair bounced every inch he motioned, gorgeous just by his presence.

His arms left his body as the music grew louder, eyes drunk in euphoria, lips kissing the threshold of depression he faced as he dances his inhibitions away.

His feet explore his arena as he slide across with poise towards the end of the music. He closed his eyes as he dived into the air colliding his body on the very base he stood.

He imagined a hundred thousand fireflies ignited the atmosphere above him. He burst into flames as he bobbed his head to the back almost arching to feet from the back like a hoop.

He stopped at the middle of the platform the exact second the music did. He gazed at them all as he panted taking air through his mouth ignoring the sweat running across his back and soaking his bangs.

That's alright maybe, he thought.

He tugged the hem on his own shirt gripping a fistful hope. Slowly, claps faded in as every single being before him stood from their seats giving him thumbs up and cheers.

Is this real?

Jimin eyes flickered before turning to his left across the backstage seeing Hobi standing by the curtains also clapping for him smiling to his ears as he smiled back to him.

He gave a bow as he shuffled to exit the overwhelming support from the crowd. He chased over Hobi giving him a tight hug feeling proud of himself as the claps were still ongoing.

"why are you crying jackass?"

"it's too much" Hobi sobbed as Jimin chuckled at his cuteness.

"I think it's aight"

"Are you crazy?! You already kicked all asses who don't come on stage yet"

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