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"Attention dear passengers, we have arrived to the destination. Please be careful on your way down, check your personal belongings under seats and cabin before leaving. On behalf of the crew we would like to thank for using Maldiviwings charter for this trip and have a pleasant time"

After loading out, they took a pause before entering a six seater cab.

"Jimiiiinnn", Hobi held his arm.

"What ?"

"You can smell the air later at the beach, let's go", as they left.

The half an hour journey came to a halt. They got off from the car along with their belongings.

Jimin overlooked the scenery before him. Standing on the high bay cliff blocking the ocean from crashing further. Boats and ferries queued with people holding up signs offering service to tourists.

"Jimin", Jungkook tapped his shoulder, "Come"

Jimin pulled his luggage by the handle trailing behind the others up onto one of the ferries.

"Is this reserved too ?", Jimin asked Jungkook while waiting for their turn to get in the wobbly craft.

"Everything's handled", said Jungkook.

"All this water makes me thirsty," said Namjoon taking a long wooden seat attached to the inner body of the boat. 

They settled down to a cold beer each at the open bar. They clinked glasses taking continuous gulps and being sluggish with each other.

A couple next to them, mid-seventies, they'd guess, were exchanging quiet anger and disgust until Jimin and Hobi themselves exchanged the same look.

The man got up to leave and his woman looked embarrassed but defiant and followed him out on deck in her own good time.

They had another drink and forgot about them until they went on deck themselves about half way across the Channel. The man craned over the edge clutching her handbag.

"What's their problem ?", Jungkook questioned crossing his legs.

"Isn't it obvious kooks ? We're a group of gays being all open", Namjoon simply said.

"Fuck this homophobic mortals", Yoongi poured himself another beer.

"Forget them", Hobi grinned at Jimin.

Stars fall soft and silent as they sailed further south through the black. The ferry from Male to Maafushi was sleeping, and Jimin was alone on the deck.

The others were inside seemingly too tired to come out to stargaze since the long flight. But he wouldn't want to miss a single precious moment he could get.

A warm breeze fanned his face as he laid by the peace of the party that was. Curious now and with beer crate in tow, he climbed the hot steps towards the helipad. He's alone but somehow not lonely.

And it's not the full beer crate beside him, or the close friends in cabins resting their legs and minds out that offer him comfort, it's the feeling he got from the ferry.

He once knew someone came approaching from behind. He felt the aura.

"Doing some thinking alone again ?", Namjoon leaned next to Jimin resting his hands on the deck balcony.

"Don't i always ?", Jimin smiled turning to Namjoon.

The taller stared at the dark emerald sea. The sea stared at them back.

"You're incredible Jimin. I envy you", Namjoon spoke out of the blue.

Jimin glanced at him on the right side giving an unintentional smile.

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