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"Can i meet him?" Junghyun asked putting interest

The guys from afar saw jungkook calling out for jimin waving with his hand like a puppy.

"It's you jimin" hobii pushed him from behind

"I guess this is it" jimin walked confidently to jungkook as he swiftly placed his hand on jimin's waist

He made himself presentable as the couple proudly looking at him.

"You're jimin? Wow my brother has a really good taste. You're really handsome" Junghyun said jokingly

"You're much more, I'm glad to meet you too" jimin showed his set of teeth finally meeting the infamous junghyun he's been listening only from stories

They continued the night at the table as a triple storey cake came in on a cart, sparkling on top as the firework candles light up. They all sang happy birthday with the lead of a piano for background music by yoongi. Jungkook closed his eyes for a moment making a wish, blowing the candles as the guests at the table clapped.

He looked at every person around him one by one feeling grateful as it was more than what he ever wished for his whole life. He felt ease glancing the people he loved were happy as he was. He reunited with namjoon and jin whom he missed the most, his brother who turned into a new leaf unlike his old self that would glare at him with hatred for every ten seconds, a new family member to be, his friends in school which were officially meant for each other, and his lover.

Jungkook could see that Junghyun was absorbed with laughter forming wrinkles under his eyes as he was chatting with his parents telling them about his life in Japan with with fiancé.

Jimin was staring at jungkook the whole time he was lost amidst in his own pleasure as he scanned around the dining room falling in love with the atmosphere he was longing for. They exchanged looks and laughed out of nowhere knowing only they knew what it was about.

Jungkook intertwined jimin's fingers with his under the table and taking it to his lips kissing at the back of jimin's hands.

"You smell like me"

"I wonder why.." Jimin leaned in for a peck on the lips as jungkook did so and pulled away in a startle as a flash interrupted the moment.

"sorry, I just had to" hobii took out the film from his polaroid fanning it between his fingers waiting for the image to appear. He handed to jimin as jimin stared fondly at it.

"Keep it. It'll last longer" jungkook gave him another peck on his head.

"Can't we be like them?" Hobii asked in a sassy manner as he turned to yoongi

"If it's my party, then yes" yoongi continued slurping his soup making jimin and jungkook burst into laughter as if they were watching a romantic comedy.


"Where you staying at?" Jungkook asked jin while he was backhugging jimin and jimin grabbed his hand on jungkook's arm wrapped around his lower neck

"Yoongi's. Until we find a house around the area" jin messed with jimin's hair like a puppy as he walked to the vehicle and stopped at the door, "I'd really love to adopt you"

"What? Noo.." jungkook held jimin tighter

"We'll meet in the morning yeah?" Namjoon waved at jungkook and jimin as he got into yoongi's limo

"Wear rubber" jin smirked devilishly

"The fuck hyung" jungkook covered jimin's ears which made him laughed

Hobii and yoongi then got into the limo after exchanging goodbyes and set off.

"Wear rubber ?" Jimin questioned playing innocent turning to jungkook

"We don't do that" jungkook giggled as he pulled him inside as they sloppily walked upstairs.

As they got into jungkook's room, he locked the door behind him. Jungkook pushed him against the door and attacked him with kisses all over his face and down to his neck bitting everywhere playfully. Jimin took off the taller's coat off as Jungkook bent lower grabbing jimin's hips lifting him up to his waist. Jimin held up jungkook's face to kiss him on the lips. The taller shoved in his tongue exploring jimin's mouth as they rubbed their clothed dicks together.

"Wait" jimin pulled away

"What.." a soft voice panting from jungkook staring into jimin's eyes as their lower abdomens kept moving against each other

"I wanna show you something" jimin got off from jungkook's hold and pushed him to sit on the bed, his legs still dangling on the floor for his tall body

Jimin began stripping himself, bitting his lower lip as he teasingly took of his coat and unbuckling his belt making jungkook rolled his eyes smirking at his action. He pulled down his pants revealing his boxer surrounding his ass and hardening dick. He took his pants completely kicking them off showing jungkook his thick thighs with a pair of fish net stockings wrapped up to his knees. And a choker on his neck was already driving jungkook crazy.

Jungkook chuckled as jimin blushed at the presentation, "you got ready for me babe?" he palmed his forehead

Jimin nodded turning back into the shy puppy he was as he climbed onto jungkook sitting on him. He trailed his hands to jungkook's buttons on his shirt then looking at him asking for permission,

"Take it off for me" jungkook whispered with his eyes lidded loud enough for jimin to hear.

Jimin unbuttoned his shirt one by one as jungkook rubbed on jimin's thighs in circles feeling the fish net's surface under the skin of his fingers and palms. After the last button opened, jungkook leaned upwards a bit to to take off the shirt himself as his eyes still locked with jimin's.

Jimin held him by his neck slowly tracing down  his thumb nails onto his collarbones. He kept admiring the taller before him ever so passionate. Jungkook then grabbed the hem of jimin's tank taking it off upwards tossing it across the room.

He leaned downwards leaving kisses on jimin's nipples making jimin threw his head back feeling oversensitive as jimin's hands tugging deep into jungkook's hair. Jimin pulled his face back to his to kiss him harder. Jungkook grabbed his ass motioning it to move back and forth on his dick and jimin did so.

As his bulge was hard enough, he leaned forward laying jimin down on the bed as he hovered on top of him grabbing his hips positioning himself between jimin. Jimin unbuckled the belt on jungkook from below pushing off the slacks to be taken off completely revealing a Calvin Klein boxer.

Jungkook took jimin's and his boxers in a go not taking his eyes off the male beneath him. Jimin began palming the taller's dick as he teasingly moved himself to be more comfortable.

"Jiminie.." jungkook groaned as he was caging jimin under him almost buckling into his tiny hands but remained still.

He grabbed and pinned jimin's hands with one hold and the other on jimin's lips instructing him to suck on it. He shoved his now wet finger into jimin's pink hole pulling in and out. Jimin whimpered at the feeling of his dick twitching everytime jungkook curled his finger. He then held his shaft ready to enter the shorter.



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