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"So you're telling me, this whole time you're studying in spain?" Jungkook stabbed the meat in the plate with his fork.

"And live there too" namjoon chewed the remaining meat he kept in his inner cheek.

"And you couldn't take a minute to even call to tell me?" Jungkook still with his unbelievable look

"Yahh kookie, if we told you we're in spain, you'd prolly go there and live with us" jin lifted his chin

"That's my point. I could buy myself a house next to you guys" said jungkook as jimin shaking the dizziness he's listening to off his head

"We want you to finish your studies you psycho" jin flicked the younger's forehead.

"Yeah, and you wouldn't have met jimin if you weren't here" yoongi scrolled through his phone

Jungkook leaned back snapping out into realisation pouting in his chair.

"So.. what did Japan feed junghyun that made him changed?" Namjoon rested his chin on his palm

"He's completely different now" jin zoned out

"You guys met him before?" Jimin sat up straight

"We were in the same class until he ran off" namjoon looked at jimin

"He was a son of a bitch back then. No offence." Jin shifted his eyes to jungkook

"I don't know too. He somehow just transformed into a fairy godmother outta nowhere" jungkook shrugged, "he even bought me a house in seoul. And i didn't finish school yet"

"He bought you a house ?!" Hobi's jaw dropped.

"That's good news" namjoon nodded

"We're moving in after school's over" jungkook glanced at jimin

"We?" Hobii doing the uwu

"We're not supposed to tell them yet" jimin whispered tugging on his boyfriend's sleeves

"Words out. Call us for the house warming party" jin got up from his seat as well as namjoon

"You're leaving already?" Jimin looked up to both of the taller

"We have an appointment with the house seller" Jin just couldn't handle jimin's cuteness so he pinched his mochi cheeks as he left.

As they left jungkook saw junghyun and sunmi waving to him from across the restaurant.

"Let's go" he grabbed jimin's hands as he got up to leave.

"See you guys in school" jimin blew flying kisses to hobii and yoongi

"How long are you guys staying here?" Jungkook looked at his brother.

"A few months. I miss home," junghyun said as jungkook nodded, "and i miss my brother" jungkook stopped his motion turning to the elder

"Hyung.." jungkook looked to his feet trying to say something that he kept inside for so long

"Hmm, jimin ah why don't you help me pick one of those shoes over there?" Sunmi pulled jimin,

"we'll be back" jimin followed along giving the brothers some privacy

"What is it" junghyun asked witha concerned look with his hands crossed

"I dunno hyung. I don't wanna think bad about you but it feels different..with you now" jungkook looked at him with bambi eyes

"You don't like me being nice to you like an older brother should?"

"No, that's not it. I mean we weren't in good terms yknow and it was years since you left and now it's so sudden that you came back and treat m-"

"I'm sorry" the elder held jungkook by his shoulder making jungkook speechless, "i know i hated you since you were born, but i was a kid too. I got jealous cause i thought mum and dad wouldn't love or care about me anymore since i'm just a foster kid. And even after they adopted me i still felt like i was left out. Now that i'm home, I wanna fix everything. So can you forgive me?"

Jungkook sighed in relief "I forgave you a long time ago. Thanks for telling me that hyung" he smiled looking at his only brother.

Right on time, Sunmi and jimin came approaching them.

"Got anything?" Junghyun asked

"Nahh, we just end up buying churros" Sunmi took out the churros she bought giving the cups to each of them.

So the couples spent their day at the mall shopping, watching a movie, spending their day as though there's no tomorrow. And it's certainly a miracle for jungkook to experience such a fine day. Valued his time with the people he loved and hoped it'll last forever.

Though he felt his past were all unforgettable, he believed he would still face shitty days now and then. Everyone would. No matter how perfect one aspire to be, no matter how many things they promised themselves they would do, sometimes all the things a human being wanted to achieve couldn't just happen in one day and that's perfectly okay.

That's called being realistic. So pick yourselves right back up. Chances are you achieve more than you think you did and you're just being hard on yourself. Am i right? I think i am. Today was great. And tomorrow.. well, who knows. But will get that chin up. Just set your mind right. It's the most important thing as you start opening your eyes the next morning.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook approached behind jimin as he quickly hide his diary under his thighs. The cool breeze air tickled jimin's nose making him sneeze. Jungkook lifted up the cardigan that fell off jimin's shoulder covering him.

"Nothing" he smiled as jungkook pecked his lips.

"Let's go inside. It's cold" he pulled jimin as he followed from behind closing the balcony door.

A/n: uwu dear creatures.
Thank you for staying.
*flying kiss featuring
jin style*  🖤

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