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"I'm like her brother !", Jungkook claimed.

"Oh please. I'm almost your bride", Jieun scoffed.

"Why are you so pissed ?", Jimin asked putting down the homemade lasagne.

"I don't know i just.. i don't know !", Jungkook stared intensely.

"Maybe cause i almost had Jimin and now i had Jieun", Tae said taking a bite.

"Huh..", Jimin crossed his arms over his chest glaring at Jungkook.

"That's a pretty picture", Jieun got up looking at the framed friends of seven.

"We were in Maldives", Jimin said.

"We could go there again. All of us", Tae suggested.

"You and Jieun ? Separately !", Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"You're not my dad !", Jieun grumpily said.

"Thank you for the blessing", Tae teased exchanging smiles with Jimin.

"Where are theyyyyy ?", Jungkook looked out the window.

"Oh about time", Tae picked up a call from Jin.

The three waited as he talked on the phone. Until his face changed.

"What..", Jimin asked. He had a bad feeling.

"Hospital", Tae wore his jacket.

"What ?", Jungkook was also confused.

"We need to go to the hospital now !"

At the hospital,

Jimin ran as quick towards Namjoon waiting outside the room.

"What happened ??", Jimin worried.

Soon after the Jungkook came running along with Tae and Jieun too.

"Jin's inside. They're still talking", Namjoon said.

Yoongi was quiet in one of the seats.

"What is it ? What are they talking about-", Jimin panicked as he saw the glimpse of Hobi's whole family came too.

"Jiminie", Mrs Jung called coming over, "how is he ?", she hastily held him.

"I don't know too", Jimin shook his head.

"Is he in there long ?", Mr Jung held his chest feeling unstable.

"Not long sir. We'll be informed soon", Namjoon motioned Ji Wo to take her father to sit.

"Excuse me ?", the doctor came out along with Jim from the glass door interrupting the commotion.

"How is he ?", Jungkook asked.

"He's been reportedly in good health for the past few weeks. The drip worked but only temporary. The cure wasn't the best", the doctor explained.

"What now doc ?", Mrs Jung worried.

"His lungs and heart are weaker. He might need to live with a wheelchair and oxygen tank"

Mrs Jung almost collapsed until Ji Wo held her strong.

"I thought he's getting better", Jimin whispered. Jungkook repeated rubbed his back.

"His temperature now is 39°C. He's not gonna wake up until tomorrow according to the drug dose. We're transferring him to the ICU now. And.. we need a conference with the family regrading the actions should be taken", the doctor made way and led the elders and Ji Wo to come with.

"Come", Mrs Jung grabbed Yoongi's arm.

He hesitated thinking it's not his place to interrupt.

"I..i don't-", he stuttered.

"You do", Ji Wo insisted helping him up to walk together to a private room.

The others waited. Jimin cried a lot. He thought Hobi was okay after the drip worked. They even celebrated.

Guess it was false alarm.

The thought of Hobi's choice of alternative came into Yoongi's mind again. He couldn't focus. He kept having his breath hitched.

It was then morning.

"I love you", he kissed on the hand, "i love you, really.. i love you. I love you so much", he kissed longer on the forehead, "you got this"

"No. You got this", Hobi whispered.

The others surrounding the bed. A few on the couch. Some at the door. They all just stared at Yoongi sitting by the bed to a weak looking Hobi.

Hobi signed a paper of declaration. Pictures were taken. Gifts were given. Prays and wishes were spoken.

For a week, he became more quiet.

He became less alert and eventually was unresponsive. Only head shakes and nods. Smiles and cries. And blinking eyes.

"It's today", Jimin woke Jungkook up.

Jungkook sat up to a puffy eyed Jimin. It's been days he cried. Mostly by himself.

He leaned in and held Jimin's face. He kissed on the eyelids just before the smaller began to whimper again.

"Let's not cry infront of him", Jungkook said at his ears as he nodded.

By day tenth of Hobi's hospitalization, he was receiving two mg of morphine every four hours intravenously for possible pain and dyspnea and lorazepam for agitation.

They all waited on the very day by his bed. Waiting and waiting. On that day, his morphine dose was doubled because of the requested date.

His breathing slowed down.

At ten that night, he was given a continuous morphine infusion. Everyone didn't want to expect. But that's the only choice left.

His breath rasping in his lungs awoke everyone again for the seventh time that night. Jimin rolled over and worriedly glanced at his face.

The pale moonlight cast a deathly pallor on his features and Yoongi from the other side could see his chest struggle to rise beneath the covers.

He still slept as if nothing was wrong, but they knew better. The family too, could see how he struggled silently the past few days, even though he tried to hide his suffering from them.

Jimin quietly took his rough skinned hand in his and held it tight as if he could emit his soul within. But no.

Yoongi imagined to keep him forever just by holding his hand. But he knew he couldn't. Hobi pulled him close but slow and lay there with his head on his chest listening with pain as he drew breath after strangled breath.

"Please,", Yoongi begged the silent darkness as cold tears fell uncontrollably down his cheeks, "Please don't leave me, I need you."

They promised to not cry and say pathetic things for his last moments. Yoongi couldn't hold back.

That hand he held up weakened. Slowly, it slipped off colliding onto the surface of the mattress.

His breathing was unheard. His chest didn't go up and down anymore. His eyes were left open.

That machine on the cabinet produced a long beeping sound. Louder cries in the room was heard.

And that was it.

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