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The crowd. It was suffocating.

The school were filled with hotstuff wannabes. All in short skirts with high pulled up stockings. All kinds of hairstyles, laced up boots, heels, lips puckered up in glossy pink and red gloss, eyelid in various shades, highlighters on point.

The school just suddenly turned into a whole weekly fashion show runaway as though the students turned into rich kids that would use their parent's credit cards to buy the latest hot items in store. And they came to school just to show off their crazy expensive outfits and accessories to become incomparable.


The guys approached the crowded cafeteria. Suddenly the motions paused, the noise of talking, footsteps and fork and spoons on trays clanking faded out. All eyes was staring at the same figures walking into the now quiet space.

Oh jimin. Of course.

Literally, people weren't looking at anything weird, but rather fondly staring in amusement and shock as the flower boy of the school bloomed into prettier petals, chins high up among the weeds.

Jimin's top was a light blue oversized plaid shirt, half buttoned while tucked in his black skinny jeans. On his earlobes were silver hoops and a black thin choker on his neck. Usually he'd rock his old sneakers but today it's black high ankled Timberland boots as his jeans were tucked in, fit overall with his first new rule school outfit. His hair was pushed back, side parted exposing a glimpse of his forehead. His plump lips partly opened with a touch up of light red gloss.

Jimin was popular since the day he transferred with only with a school uniform. But now this? He might be next in line on the cover of the school magazine.

Walking along with him, hobii. My my..
It's hobii yall.

The well known class president who was claimed by the richest estate agent's son as his boyfriend was the main title popped in everyone's mind. The school couldn't brain when the news came out as trending on twitter and instagram. He was the main focus and centre of attention since.

Hobii was slaying his classic, vintage outfit with a super expensive loafer. His everyday scent of light cinnamon had the girls wanna know his secret in fashioning himself being not shabby at all. His soft looking face with a super friendly smile up to his cheekbones attracts all the straight guys wanting to bang him right there. But none of them dared to talk to him looking too expensive, for them too filthy to be around.

Jimin looked back at those eyes, didn't really know if they're judging is an approval or otherwise. Afraid that he'd be too much, knowing none of the thing he's wearing was from his earn. He looked down to his outfit feeling his anxiety attack on his self esteem building up in his stomach.

But too quick, hobii wrapped his hand around jimin's dragging him to the empty table as though it was reserved for them before jimin tried to run away. They sat trying to be as comfortable noticing the obvious glares and gazes were still darted to them.

"Throw the doubt" hobii gave jimin a short cheer.

Jimin gave a concerning look mouthing to hobii that he wanted to go and change. Hobii rolled his eyes locking jimin's thighs by landing his lower limb on them stopping him.

"We're having lunch" hobii gritted his teeth as he pinched jimin's cheeks.

Jimin rubbed his now red cheeks turning to the side as his boyfriend coming in with a paper bag in his hands.

Jungkook was either gothic or grunge with his outfit. Heavy boots, black tank, black denim jacket, just literally overall black. His adorable yet seductive bunny teeth peeking out as he smiled, his bambi eyes and sweet voice calling out for jimin had the girls sighed in frustration as they couldn't accept the fact the hottest guy in school after yoongi was apparently gay. And they as though would rip their fleshes apart from their bones to the hurting truth that jimin, the also charming guy was the boyfriend.

Jimin smiled happily seeing his soulmates were at the table with him. Ignoring the eyes in the room pierced to them, he'd still admit that they'd call themselves the 'bore squad' but to the students, they're supermodels.

Jungkook made himself comfortable next to jimin taking out the wrapped bowls of jajangmyeon arraging them on the table.

"You really need to make a fuss coming in here?" Jimin asked with a cocky expression.

Jungkook smirked pulling jimin's head to him kissing him on the lips making jimin pull away covering his lips with his hand, eyes widened still in jungkook's hold.

"We're at school!" He screamed in the whisper smacking jungkook's arm.

Jungkook pulled him for another kiss making jimin pinch his lower lip. The taller just giggled at his cuteness.

"I don't wanna vomit in my own noodles yeah gays?" Hobii unwrapped his meal sitting opposite the two. His eyes on the table as an extra bowl caught his attention.

"You're eating two?" Hobii darted up to jungkook who just smiled shaking his head not saying a word.

Seriously for fuck's sake-

"What's going on? I'm feeling so single right now"

"I know right. I want a boyfriend too"

"Get someone like him, coming all the way here just to have lunch with his boyfriend"

"Girl just keep dreaming. They're sold out these days"

Hobii snapped his neck as fast when he felt a hand tapping on the back if his neck. Before anything he got a peck on the lips as the familiar guy sat next to him. Hobii's gaze didn't take off,

"Surprised?" Yoongi smiled while intertwining with hobii's fingers

"Don't you have class?" Hobii asked in concern but also feeling happy as he was about to have lunch with his boyfriend

"It's finished. Also actually i ditched the last thirty minutes pretending i needed to take a shit"

Hobii smiled to his ears pulling on yoongi's collar leaning for another kiss. As hobii parted, yoongi held him by his neck smashing their lips again. Going for a deeper one.

"Who's not vomiting now" jimin slurped his noodles

"Yah, get a room bitches" jungkook kicked the table underneath making the lovey dovey couple's kiss pulled apart beginning to enjoy their lunch.

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