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The night was long. They reached at Jungkook's home but planned to stay put under the dim light shone by the moon.

Their make out continued in the car.

The two were in the backseat. Jimin was on top of Jungkook as he leaned down kissing him. Jimin panted in between that he grabbed a fistful grip of Jungkook's hair below him, tugging gently.

Both were hungry for each other.

Jungkook from beneath took the scene slow. He trailed his hands up to Jimin's thighs right on the side of the butt cheeks squeezing them everytime Jimin pulled his hair.

He then snaked his fingers up underneath the smaller's shirt caressing the smooth skin around the abs and up to the nipples. Jimin moaned a little feeling the pinch Jungkook intended on the swollen surface.

Jimin lifted himself up a little as the kiss parted. He leaned back a little as he unbuckled the button on Jungkook's jeans and its zipper. Jungkook threw his head to the back waiting for Jimin to blow him.

Jimin pulled the black and blue Calvin Klein boxers just a little at its hem since the the backseat wasn't much of a space. Jungkook hissed and groan feeling his dick was held in Jimin's tiny hands as the latter slowly began to stroke it up and down.

It wasn't long until Jimin gave a kitty lick on the tip and slowly putting the whole amount into his mouth. He didn't expect or remember it was hard for him to do it in one go. But that didn't bother.

The plump lips just tightened the shaft down to the very base as his tongue laid flat inside giving access for Jungkook to touch at the back of Jimin's throat.

Jungkook could feel his member twitching on the inside as Jimin bobbed his head taking it all in. He tugged Jimin's hair softly, didn't want to go hard for their first after so long.

Jimin from below clawed Jungkook's waist for balance and also glad the fact that he's making Jungkook enjoying the moment. Jungkook then pulled Jimin off from his member then up to him placing the smaller on top of his hardened dick.

They kissed again while Jimin unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt exposing a set of ripped body. He pulled away from the kiss and just to look down at the hot sculptured body. The two panted heavily leaving the moment quiet and the car was just filled with hot breaths of sensation.

Jimin traced the pattern of the abs at the edge of his fingers admiring the whole look below him. Jungkook just stared at him, long enough. Deep enough that he planted a kiss on Jimin's cheek making Jimin smile.

"We don't have to do it", Jungkook whispered.

"Why'd you say that", Jimin whispered back.

"In case it's too early for you".

Jimin took a moment of hesitation. He leaned forward to Jungkook giving short pecks over and over on the lips. Finally he parted, wiping the strand of saliva he left on Jungkook's lips with his thumb.

"It is early", he responded with a nod.

"I can wait", Jungkook spoke as slow.

"It's early but i want it", Jimin stared in the taller's eyes below him expecting an agreement.

Jungkook was in a second of confusion. He's just worried that Jimin couldn't make up his mind. Jimin was his top priority. He could wait.

For a thousand years if he had to.

"I won't force you to", Jungkook shook his head.

Jimin shook his head too and leaned his forehead on Jungkook's as he spoke,

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