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The kiss was endless, right on that stool. Jimin started to move teasingly creating friction making jungkook grip hard on his waist.

"Play nice" as he went for jimin's neck.

And after a while their clothes melted away, both entirely naked clashing their bodies on each other.

Jimin with his eyes closed moaned a little, pushing jungkook away, "Wait" jungkook looked up to him.

"How do you do it on a chair.."

"Why are you asking how to- wait, this is your first?!" Jungkook turned silent

"Yeah" said jimin in a whisper loud enough for him to hear while rubbing him on the shoulder

"Maybe this isn't a good idea"

Jimin scoffed and leaned in to kiss him again, but jungkook shook his head,

"You don't want that" jungkook warned him as jimin cocked up an eyebrow.

"I know what i want."

"I don't wanna ruin your first" jungkook avoided the kiss

"You're not ruining it" jimin snuggled into his neck kissing him there, guiding jungkook's hands from his waist to his thighs, "please"

They stared into each other as jimin silently begged to be fucked.

"It's gonna hurt a little" jimin nodded impatiently.

"But do something for me,"

Jungkook put his middle finger on jimin's lips and he hesitantly sucked on it being pulled in and out twice.

"That's enough" jungkook lifted one of jimin's hip and had it rested on his shoulder while jimin gripping his shoulder for balance. His face scrunched while hissing as he felt a long poke in his hole stretching the inner walls, gently curling in and out. He tried to be steady as he kneeled his other leg on jungkook's hips trying not to push his weight hard on him. Jungkook pulled out letting him take a deep breath.

Jimin looked at jungkook's massive length slightly getting nervous. Jungkook held his cock alligned with jimin's entrance, barely touching at the tip.

"Pull off if you don't like it"

   Jimin slipped into jungkook's lap, his hands squeezing on his butt cheek guiding to push downwards as he thrusted from below. Jimin stopping at the first push, adjusting to his size.

"Oh fuck! Jungkook.." he shut his eyes

"I know"

He rolled his hips making better space on the inside. His tightness had Jungkook tossed his head back while gripping onto his waist letting jimin take the lead. Jimin squeezed on his shoulder as he began moving up and down while jungkook aimed his neck, kissing ever so gently.

And jimin brought his face back to his lips, kissing him harder as he moved back and forth. Jungkook doing nothing but staring at jimin. Admiring the way he was lost amidst his own pleasure.

"That feels so good" his moves got faster. He wasn't sure why he was in a hurry but he didn't get use to it. His thighs grew tired and they started to tremble.

Jungkook noticed so he reached up to grab the nape of his neck snapping him out of his euphoric trance, urging him to slow down.
And jimin complied, he opened his eyes to meet jungkook's searching for reassurance and let jungkook to set the pace.

Jimin melted under his touch almost too quickly. His hair falling perfectly over his eyes as he bounced. His sweet sounds of gasps causing goosebumps to peak across jungkook's skin,

"like it" , he whimpered.

Jimin removed jungkook's hands away from his thighs, holding in his own for balance and also as a sudden display of dominance. Jungkook was so eager to touch him but gave in as it was jimin's first, didn't want to be rough on him. He acted out on his own, increasing his speed as he moved on jungkook.

   Jungkook's body impatiently writhed within his grasp wanting to be released. But he didn't comply. His thrashing became a bit wilder as jimin continued to ride him, his orgasm peaking reaching its high. The slapping sound of their skin showing they're close. Jimin's grip on his wrist tightened as jungkook finally thrusted from below, releasing into him at the same time jimin came. They both panted on the stool, not pulling out, catching their breaths on each others shoulder.

"How was it" jungkook rubbed on his back

"Hurts" jimin laughed at himself panting receiving a kiss on the forehead.

   The two then got dressed, jimin stole a glance at jungkook as he put himself his shirt on over his masculine body. At the same time jungkook also took a peek making them both laughed hard dumbfounded at the situation.

   Jimin walked to the painting crossing his arms still not tired of looking at it. He could admire jungkook's art every single day, didn't realise he found himself smiling every time he scanned the indescribable art. Jungkook stood next to him wrapping an arm around his shoulder in a friendly way also looking at the same thing. The room was silent, not awkward silence or killing, just comfortable.

"Can i have a look at the couple's painting?" Jimin gently asked

"Sure" jungkook went through his older works, a large sketchbook on the desk, flipping every page searching for it. "Here"

Jimin walked to his surprise, a little taken aback of the revelation. The painting included two males, leaning against another on the couch, both having gorgeous features on their faces, perfect body proportions, and..

"They're naked.." jimin traced his index finger beneath the line of the painting careful not to touch them.

"My first fully naked models, and i want them to be the last. They're my true buddies, and i barely get to see them anymore" he smiled going back into his past.

"They must be very special people in your life" jimin glanced at him pursing his lips as his eyes got teary.

   So what were they after they fucked? Jimin was willing to give away his virginity to jungkook, but they didn't seem to show much of a flutterness, not much of a moment to look into each other's eyes and kiss for no reason, not even offering to cuddle and crash at one's home though it's late at night.

   It was all lust. Temporary lust. They wouldn't be embarrassed if they felt like fucking again. What they had that night was different than couples that share beds together. They might share a bed too and abide by shameless boundaries, lost in their own worlds, and act all normal the next morning.

To be more specific, friends with benefits.

A/n: Stay for till finish
no turning back !!
thank you
lovely creatures 🖤

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