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"Make this very fluffy. All beautifully", the staffs carried the flower pots away.

"Make that beautiful too with some glitters and best sparkles you have", the curtains were hung up high around the balcony.

"Oh and that ! Don't miss a single spot. Make sure the flowers are fresh", three people began dividing tasks.

Jimin shook his head smiling. He walked to Mrs Jeon holding her arm.

"Jimin aren't you supposed to go for fitting right now ?", she asked in surprise.

"We're going in ten", Jimin said.

"Well best be off", she went through a checklist.  

"You know you don't have to do this much", Jimin showed around.

"Nn-no no .. don't stop me. I'm gonna make this the most unforgettable and precious memory for everyone. And in fact, Jungkook is this family's only one getting married", she shrugged.

"Yeah Jimin", Jungkook approached.

"Oh okay then. I'll leave it to you Mrs wedding planner", Jimin bowed and Mrs Jeon smiled back adorably.

"Let's go"

Jungkook clicked his tongue while driving at a normal speed. He glanced at Jimin next to him who's doing nothing.


Jimin turned to him sticking out a tongue.

"Playing dirty huh ?", Jungkook used his free hand to tickle the smaller on the tummy.

"Okay okay ! You're driving !", Jimin laughed as he pushed Jungkook's hand away.

"Don't tell me you're thinking about how much mum's spending for our wedding", Jungkook took a guess.

"That too. But that's not really it", Jimin shook his head.

"Then what ?"

"It just reminded me of Junghyun", Jimin smiled and slumped back.

"What does ?"

"When your mum said you're the only one getting married in the family"

Jungkook smirked.

"O ho.. that's not the expression i was expecting for", Jimin gasped in disbelief.

"What'd you mean ??", Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

"What'd you mean what'd i mean ? You totally let out that devil side of you seconds ago", Jimin lightly hit his arm.

"Then how am i suppose to react ?"

"Do i need to tell you ?", Jimin gasped even more.

"Yes please", Jungkook mocked.

"Oh gosh for real ?", Jimin took a deep breath,

"Well first of all you should've said -oh my mum would never have forgotten about his first son. Secondly you could've have said -i'm starting to think about Junghyun too , i don't know why maybe BeCOZZZ ! He's my only brother who's living and ending his life in jail. And thirdly you MUST AT LEAST have said, -oh i think it's about time we need to visit him cause our wedding is just around the freaking corner ?!", Jimin nagged a whole bunch.

"Damn baby i don't know how should i handle you once we really get married", Jungkook laughed.

"I take that as a compliment", Jimin leaned back in his seat.

"For the third one tho..", Jungkook licked his inner cheeks.

"What ?"

"Funny you mentioned it", Jungkook smirked.

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