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"I've missed hanging out with you.."

Listening to the words coming out his mouth really had jungkook smiled above his shoulders.

"You're so mean" jimin hit him on his arms.

Jungkook let him go and stretched his leg open sitting on his bike not saying a word.

Jimin standing there after he had his body being let go turned clueless.

"That's it?" He pouted

Jungkook turned to him before putting on his helmet, "what, you're expecting a kiss or something" he teased

"That's.. that's not what i meant.." jimin said with his sulky tone

He then pulled jimin to sit behind him and drifted straight to his favourite spot.

He walked straight to the rock he liked so much and stared at the view.

Jimin behind him somehow still mad and somehow worried.

Maybe something really is wrong.

Jimin walked to him and sat on the lower rock turning around to see his face,

just a blank expression.

"Yah, i'm supposed to be mad at you right now" he sulked crossing his arms.

"I know. You can be mad at me" jungkook pulled a long grass tickling his hands tying it into a ribbon.

"I wasn't asking for permission" jimin whispered in a pout rolling his eyes

Jungkook chuckled weakly feeling bad for avoiding jimin the whole week.

"I'm sorry" he threw the tied grass ribbon to jimin's head

"Now tell me" jimin grabbed his knee with both his hands.

Jungkook shook his head as jimin making jimin turned into a grumpy face.

Jungkook knew jimin had too much unanswered questions,

Why did he avoid me?

Why was he acting so weird lately?

Is he sick and doesn't want me to know?

Has he been spending too much on me and trying to keep away in case i try to make him buy things again?

Didn't he miss me at all..

But he just find it too awkward to tell him straightforward that he wanted to be with jimin. That he didn't want jimin to go to yoongi.

The worries haunted him all night.

"Let's go to my house" jungkook pulled him by his hand as jimin lazily followed.


I'll be out with dad until next monday. Tell nanny if you want anything.

A note was on his bedroom door as jimin waited behind him waiting to be invited inside.

"My parents aren't home", jungkook threw his bag away entering the bathroom as jimin started to explore his huge room.

Jimin looked around gasping at the king sized bed. He smiled at a huge family portrait hanging on the wall, jungkook smiling with his bunny teeth between his two parents holding on his shoulders.

He walked to the desk looking at sketches he pinned on the board, fine paint brushes neatly stuffed in a compartment organiser.

He lifted up a frame of jungkook with two strangers smiling as happy as ever. He could imagine how memorable the moment was for jungkook.

"That's them" , jungkook's spoke making jimin startled almost having a heart attack.

"Jin and namjoon" he sat on his bed.

Jimin put down the picture frame and turned to jungkook grinning, "they're beautiful" .

Jungkook nodded looking at his knees leaning back on his arms to the bed for support.

Jimin then walked towards him stopping a few inches away forgetting that he's actually mad at the taller male.

"Now can you tell me?" Jimin gently asked

"Yoongi hyung.." jungkook spits the word he finally got to take out from his tangled mind.

"Hmm?" Jimin tilted his head

"I avoided you because of yoongi"

"Why?" Jimin was clueless

"cause i don't wanna hear you telling me how you feel about him" he finally looked up to jimin standing infront of him.

"Kookie ah.." jimin sighed

"No i know it's crazy, but i was afraid. Somehow..and i don't even know why. Like you're my friend and my feet just happened to run away when you're about to talk about being in a real relationship"


"Just so you know i didn't like the fact that you're going to be with yoongi, he's an asshole, he's been with everyone in school-"

"Don't say that"

"It's true! And i know we're friends, but i think of you more than that after we've been hanging out and all and i freaked out when he kissed you the other day-"

"You spied on us ?" Jimin scoffed

"Well that's in the past.. anyways i've been trying to tell you how i feel but i didn't cause i thought you might reject me and being rejected is really embarrassing. I really get it if you feel like slapping me right now and i'd be glad to-"

He kissed him. A short peck on the lips. Jimin still bending down infront of his face just a breath away.

"What's that suppose to mean" jungkook stared into his eyes pausing his nostrils from taking in the air.

"It means shut up" he sassed,

Jimin slapped him in seconds after,

"Ouch! What was that for?" Jungkook rubbed his red cheeks

"You asked for it.. also for being a stupid coward" he stood back up crossing his arms.

"You're not with yoongi ?" Jungkook's mouth slightly opened

"No silly" jimin rolled his eyes

"Why not? I mean why.."

"Cause i found out i'm into you plus, i already told him. And yoongi.. well he's nice as a friend but i don't feel that way to him."

"But i saw you with him"

"He said he's cool with it AND he respects my choice so don't you dare call him an asshole"

He nodded with a pout.

"So..." jungkook held jimin's hands

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