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Jimin woke up first.

Seeing himself still in the same position but felt soft under. He used his arm to sleep on. How dumbfounded he was.

He slowly tiptoed to get up ever so cautious.

Without washing up or anything he went to the kitchen and prepared something for breakfast.

Before Jungkook knew it, he woke up at the smell of the crusty edged pancakes. But still he pretended to sleep.

Jimin then turned on a song not too loud.

As he waited for the surface to absorb the heat of the pan flip after flip, he began moving.

He danced.

In all means he missed it. He couldn't just suddenly make a comeback flashmob when doing a runaway at a fashion show. He might get fired.

So he danced for himself.

Jungkook was peeking. Smiling to himself. Weird that Jimin didn't seem to worry much about the other night. And he's actually glad at it as Jimin did come out to him even though it's a bit late.

He didn't want him to have any worry.

Any burden being kept hidden. His life had been rough quite enough.

He didn't want to add more to that.

But he intentionally woke up with a groan louder than he's used to. Jimin turned around to see him rubbing his eyes and immediately chased for his phone to pause the song.

Awkward since they fought.

"You're up", Jimin from across behind the kitchen counter waited for him to say anything.


But nope. Jungkook just walked towards him and around the counter to hold him at the waist.

He casually bent down to give Jimin a kiss on the lips. Jimin gave in but felt weird.

They fought didn't they? Or did Jungkook already forget.

"Did you drink?", Jimin asked looking around for used bottles.

"No, why?", Jungkook shook his head looking at the shorter still in his hold.

"I mean.. you don't remember?", Jimin palmed Jungkook's forehead to check his temperature.

Just in case.

"What should i remember?", Jungkook mumbled as he nuzzled into Jimin's neck close to the chest.

He kissed and bit him there.

Casually per say.

Jimin was seriously freaking confused so he pushed Jungkook away at the chest with both his tiny hands.

"You're not..mad..at me..anymore?", Jimin was making sure.

"About what?", Jungkook played dumb.

"You don't really want me to say it do you?"

"What.. i don't get it", Jungkook kept a straight face.

Jimin didn't really want to say it. But he was too naive thinking if last night was a dream he needed to find a better way to come out for real.

So innocent.

"About Taemin.."

Jungkook snapped. As shown on his eyes and lips. He simply let Jimin go after all the cuddling and walked away.

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