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"Dad..", Jungkook called to his dad who was reading the newspaper.

"Dad", he was ignored.

"Honey", Mrs Jeon who sat opposite her husband tugged on his sleeve.

Mr Jeon sighed and put down the paper after folding it. "Get me tea", he said looking at his wife.

Mrs Jeon exchanged looks with Jungkook knowing her husband wanted to talk to him alone.

So she stood up and left. She left a kiss on her son's cheeks and walked away.

Jungkook had his hands down clasped together ready to battle with his dad.

His dad just stared at him.

"Son tell me what have you done..", Mr Jeon started off.

"Dad..", Jungkook looked worried.

"Don't you love me? Have i not give you enough care?"

"You do. You always do", Jungkook nodded not moving from his spot.

"Then why did you break up with Jieun? You know i arranged her with you to have the future of our company and i know that's what you wanted. You want to be successful and you always crave to handle the business well"

"I know what i wanted. But an arranged marriage? It will affect my whole life. This is the only thing i ask of you to let me choose for myself. I don't wanna be with someone i barely knew, i don't have feelings for her", Jungkook convinced him.

"Your mum and i got married first then we learn how to love. The business grew well and we had no problem at all. And i never regret your grandfather's choice"

"You can't compare my life to yours dad.. or mum's or anyone.. it doesn't work that way"

Mr Jeon looked away. Loss of words.

"Dad..", Jungkook came close to kneel and hold his dad's hands.

"I can do it. Without any connections. I can bring JFila to the top. I promise that. Having arranged marriage for me won't work. I need to be with someone who's truly there for me and that i can be truly there for him"

"Him ? Jimin ?", Mr Jeon asked as though he didn't know.

"He left you. Why are you still going after him?"

"I left him. I did. He did nothing wrong. But that was a mistake and i mean a huge mistake"

"I want you to realise that this is a mistake too", he stood to leave walking to his bedroom.

Jungkook sighed.

He got up to get his jacket and car keys and walked to the door.

He paused to see his mum hiding behind the kitchen door eavesdropping the whole conversation.

"Dinner?", Mrs Jeon came out.

"Jimin's probably worried. I should go back", Jungkook said as he left.



Jungkook looked around to see a table set. Candles in the middle, two full course meals, a ballad song at the background.

"Hey", Jimin came out from the kitchen after choosing a champagne.

He walked to Jungkook with it and the taller just smirked.

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