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"You're squeezing too hard!", Jimin shouted as Jungkook from the back covering his eyes with his hands.

They slowly walked up into a room that looked brand new. Jungkook slowly released his hands and walked forward.

"Not yet", Jungkook said.

"Okay i'm not looking", Jimin still with eyes closed.

"Tada !"

Jimin opened his eyes to Jungkook whose hands were wide open like a starfish presenting  an unfamiliar apartment. It was almost as fancy and luxurious as his house but smaller. A neat kitchen edge with four cabinets above, a master's bedroom, an area to watch tv placed with comfy-looking couch also a mirrored glass coffee table arranged with goodies on it.

"Home? Kookie you didn't have to", Jimin felt guilty turning to Jungkook who's now walking towards him.

"Of coure i do. I wanna stay with you", he held Jimin in his arms which the smaller naturally wrapped his hands around Jungkook's back.

"What do you have to say to Jieun?", Jimin was kind of worried.

"Business trip?", he hugged Jimin as tight but after a few seconds he pulled away.

"Wait..what do i have to say? I mean for after the spring break?", Jimin got even more worried.

"Nothing.. just say you're staying in a new apartment somewhere", Jungkook shrugged with a smirk.

"You want me to say that i bought a new apartment with my own money?"

"Why not? This is my present for you anyway"


"It's for you"

"Tell me you're joking", Jimin gasped at Jungkook who's smiling.

"Look at the lease later. It's on your name and i had it done just before i dropped by your house a few days ago"

"Kookie i can't have this from you..", he shook his head thinking it's not his place to accept such things even if it's from his boyfriend.

"You already have it. I promised to take care of you for the rest of my life and this is just the start", Jungkook kissed Jimin on the bridge of his nose.

Jimin began sniffing feeling his nose couldn't take in air due to his teary eyes. Jungkook chuckled at him and pulled him in closer.

"Gosh you're so emotional jiminie".


"What do you need?", Hobi talked on the phone.

"Yknow just simple stuff for a birthday party.. but not a cake cause i want jimin to make it", Namjoon told him on the phone.

"So we setting up a day before right?", Hobi asked while writing stuff on a note book for a checklist.

"A night before. We'll finish quick cause he's coming back in the morning and you guys can sleep over"

"Alrighty done", Hobi hung up and got up to Yoongi who's dozed off on the bed.

"Babe", Hobi shook him hard.

"Hmph!", Yoongi turned to the other side and snuggled through the sheets.

"Min Yoongi!", his bedsheet was pulled away in a go leaving him exposed cold.

"I'm up! I'm up!", Yoongi rubbed his eyes and forced himself to a sitting position.

"Let's go shopping for jin hyung's party.. we need the stuff tomorrow", Hobi whined trying to pull Yoongi's hand to get up but it was useless. He was heavy.

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