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"Yknow for some reason i thought i came here to have fun", Jimin nagged.

"This is fun", Hobi devilishly smirked, "what? Are you disregarding my life routine? Your parents must've done this too".

Jimin annoyingly pulled off the weeds and picked the ripe chillis dangling near him. Hobi stole a glance and laughed a bit. He just got more annoyed.

"I asked for something relaxing before the show not this", Jimin frowned.

"This is relaxing can't you feel it?"

"And how is that ?", Jimin sarcastically asked pausing his weed pulling.

"Stand near plants and take a deep breath. My dad thought me that, it'll feel a hundred times better", Hobi put his thumbs up while crouching.

"Why don't you just buy a flower in a pot", Jimin nagged again.

"Yah. We're gonna use these for cooking later and my mum probably wants you to take them back with you like a dozen and she now knows you love to cook"

"I usually buy groceries online or at the market duh never hand-picked. But this is kinda nice too", Jimin shrugged.

"See? And oh yeah did you call Jungkook at all after coming here?", Hobi got up stretching his limbs.

"No.. he didn't read my texts. I'm sure he's busy preparing", Jimin pouted.

"Preparing?? I think he's confident enough to talk on a podium with a mic surrounded by flashing cameras. He done that right?"

"I'm not talking about the conference. I'm talking about his dad", Jimin pursed his lips in worry.

"His dad liked you before. He'd understand.. trust me", Hobi pulled Jimin to stand up, "leggo".

Hobi's family invited Jimin for a picnic near the stream just a few walks from the house compound. They settled and enjoyed the moment together looking at the warm evening sky while eating whatever they brought with them.

"Jimin can you pass me the butter knife?", Mrs Jung pointed at the knife near him.

Jimin passed the knife and looked at the two siblings soaking their feet just beneath the surface of the bay. They were laughing and playing around making him smile.

"Lovely aren't they?", Mrs Jung said while spreading the butter on a bread.

"Uh? Oh yeah.. very", Jimin smiled, "Mrs Jung i didn't mean to interrupt but i heard they quarrelled the other night. Are they always like that?"

"Sometimes, sometimes not", Jimin nodded, "the truth is i once gave away Ji Wo to a friend of mine. She always wanted to raise a child on her own and Ji Wo actually agreed because she's already a mother to her. She's been taking care of her since born, you know like a second mum"

"How did Hobi reacted to that?"

"Furious of course. He thought she'd leave him for good so he ran away from home and we couldn't find him for a few days. He was hiding in the barn actually thank god. They fought a lot since then"

"Hobi must really love his sister", Jimin stared at them from afar.

"Did he tell you they are twins ?"

"What??? Really ?", Jimin gasped, "now that makes more sense", he shook his head in disbelief.

"She's been left alone since Hobi left for college and for some reason she refused to go with him. I just hope that she wouldn't lonelier sooner or later"

Jimin turned to Mrs Jung, again, not getting the point. He hissed in frustration thinking he should really know what's going on but Hobi didn tell him to wait.

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