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Jimin sloppily landed his face back to the counter looking at Jungkook though he wasn't in his sense to the fact that he's with him.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook pulled a stool sitting by Jimin wanting to hear the smaller talk more.

Though he's drunk, it's been so long since he talked calmly like that with someone he missed. And Jimin not realising he's there didn't bother his happiness.

"I found out his brother's secret. I'm not supposed to" Jimin's voice cracked while shaking his head, "I was so scared".

A small pool of tears collected at the edge of his eye on the counter as he hugged himself underneath the coat tightly.

Jungkook pulled Jimin to sit properly and wiped off his tears,

"But he still loves you" Jungkook firmly held his arms preventing him from falling back,

Jimin stared weirdly at him and put his hand on Jungkook's left cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb,

"You look so much like him" he whispered.

Jungkook wanted to stay there with him as long but it was getting late so he got up and dragged Jimin with him carefully. Jimin almost stumbled a few times and stopped himself from being dragged.

"I wanna pee" Jimin turned around and walked to the restroom himself making Jungkook wait outside.

After he peed, he looked into the mirror still couldn't brush off his bad condition. He sighed and quickly took out the pills he had from his pocket.

He hastily poured the pills into his hands not caring that more than a few fell off into the sink under the running water. He fisted about a chunk and threw them in his throat with the help of the tap water washing them down.

"Careful" Jungkook held Jimin as he got out and helped him walk outside.

Right before they took the exit, Jimin collapsed falling to his front.

"Jimin ah" Jungkook slightly shook his body and face checking if he fainted because of alcohol.

But he got sweaty and his body temperature rose rapidly hot.

Jungkook quickly carried him home and called his personal doctor to come.

After awhile, Jimin was stills unconscious, Jungkook decided to call Jin to inform him.

Jin then arrived with Namjoon along with the doctor. They chatted outside Jungkook's bedroom asking about Jimin's condition.

The doctor then left leaving the males to take care of the lying body on the bed.

He didn't expect for Yoongi to come cause he didn't want to create a messy scene. But Yoongi just happened to be at Namjoon's when Jungkook called.

"Is he gonna be okay?", Hobi peeked through the bedroom door where Jimin was in.

"Hope so. The side effects should wear off in a few days", Jin nodded,

"Are you happy?", Yoongi controlled his temper as he glared at Jungkook.

"What the fuck ?", Jungkook knew he was pissed at Jimin's condition.

"Hey hey.. don't even start imma kill you both", Namjoon came in the middle holding them apart.

"Do you even know what the hell you've been doing to Jimin?" Yoongi asked as his anger raged more,

"I didn't know he's been taking those pills. You think i'm stupid enough to let him if i do?" Jungkook pleaded innocent,

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