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It's wet.

He felt his cheeks dripping wet. Being licked over and over. The tongue was quite rough too. the taste buds were a lot thicker than he expected.

"Why are you so worked up in the morning?", Jungkook tried to push him away but he felt fur.

"What the-"

His eyes were still closed until he heard a bark. He jolted up to sit straight and saw Jimin just came in walking into the room with a leash in his hands. A dog was next to him barking cutely waking him up. She wiggled her tail and panted waiting for Jungkook to pat him.

"What? you fantasising it's me?", Jimin laughed as he hooked the leash on the dog's collar.

"Somehow", Jungkook shook his head embarrassed.

"I'm gonna take Jaerin for a walk. You go wash up and have breakfast", Jimin stood up and pulled the pet to the door.

"Your mum?", Jungkook looked around not seeing Mrs Park anywhere.

"Church", he simply responded.

"No good morning kiss?", Jungkook smirked,

"No", Jimin walked out quietly with Jaerin whose tail had been wiggling all the time.


The door slammed shut. Not as loud but enough to make Jungkook bewildered a pouty expression.

Okay..That.. was weird..

Jimin really said no just like that. Jungkook brushed off his cluelessness and got himself ready.


It was soothing. The beach was the best place he could go when he's back home. The sound of the emerald ocean, the fading waves from the damp sand, the flock of birds passing by. He felt he's finally home.

"Slow down girl", Jimin released the leash and let his dog run happily across the shore trying to chase the pigeons at the drier area.

He took off his shoes and put on the sand where he aimed to sit. He sat down with knees up for his hands to rest on and closed his eyes.

He took deep breathes, feeling so nice to only smell the tickling air coming from the edge of the ocean.

He was suddenly attacked with the memory he had with his family. The very beach was where they'd end up almost every weekend. Where Jimin told his parents that he passed an exam, where his mum told him she got pregnant, his father got a raise after being promoted.

Every sweet and unforgettable moments. Every each were there.

It wasn't long until his shoulder was tapped with a bottle of lemonade juice. He looked up to Jungkook who joined him and sat next to him. He snatched the bottle again and opened up for Jimin to drink.

"You must really miss being here",


"What do you wanna do?",

"What", Jimin turned to Jungkook.

"After we go back? We have a week", Jungkook pulled him closer by the waist though it was quite hard because of the sand.

Jungkook kissed on the side of his head but he kinda avoided.

"I'm getting ready for the Puma fashion show", Jimin said taking a sip.

"You got the spot?", Jimin just nodded, "why didn't you tell me?",

"I thought you're busy", Jimin looked at his knees,

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