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"You lied to me?"

Jungkook outside with Jimin who's looking down all the time.

"Jungkook just take it easy", Namjoon massaged his shoulder before going back into the room where the others were.

"Jimin look at me"

And Jimin did. Almost not blinking.

"What did i tell you? You should've— how did you even get here? It can't be ten minutes after i called you"

"Hyongju..", he admitted.

"I thought you didn't want me to get mad. And then you sneaked out by yourself when i clearly told you not to? What if something bad happened and nobody could reach you because of that little lie of yours?", Jungkook controlled his voice.

"No, kookie..", his voice cracked, "you were acting all weird. You all are. What am i supposed to do? Why am i the one everyone hides this from? And it's my best friend, i don't deserve any of this"

Jimin let out a tear and Jungkook sighed in frustration thinking he should not scold him at the moment.

He pulled Jimin at the chairs to sit and held his hands firm while rubbing the palm.

"I'm sorry. Okay? Hobi didn't want to tell you yet cause he knew you couldn't handle it. You might freak out like this"

"I wouldn't be like this if you tell me in the first place"

"I won't be surprised if you do"

"You guys don't even try. The big deal is that i wanna be there for him. I don't even know for long he's been lying on that bed", Jimin yanked his hands away.

Jimin almost yelled and cupped his face to cry. Jungkook licked his dry lips and let out a breath trying to handle it well.

So he pulled Jimin into his chest by the neck and stroking him on the back.

"He must've been so lonely and painful", Jimin mumbled.

"It's gonna be okay baby. I promise, we're gonna fight for him"

Jin went out to witness the scene and Jungkook shrugged.

"You don't have your meds with you?", Jin asked rummaging through the shelf of pills.

"No..", Jimin held the cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

"Here. It's not the same but it'll ease your body system", Jin gave him a tablet before leaving.

"But i don't wanna take pills other than my regulars"

"Hey. I'll make sure Jungkook get rid of your regulars. You don't need em anymore", as he reached the door he turned again, "baby just two", he made sure.

Jimin did intend to take more but he nodded knowing he shouldn't.

Jungkook then came in to cover him with a blanket and left a kiss on the head.

"Get some rest", Jungkook walked to the door.


He looked at him.

"About me and Taemin i swear i had no feelings for him"

"I know and i was never mad"

"But you threw a whole freaking tantrum at me"

"I was just playing", he grinned.

"Dickface", Jimin sipped his drink seeing Jungkook smirked.

Jungkook walked to him again and held his face up to kiss him.

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