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Jimin looked around the house and saw Yooongi at the couch watching tv. He turned around and waved,

"Oh hey, looking for hobi?", he lazily asked.

"Yeah he didn't come for training today", Jimin pouted in confusion.

"He overslept..", Yoongi made an excuse.

"That freaking morning person overslept ?? You sure ?", Jimin asked.

"Yeah we watched this scary movie till late night..he's upstairs", Yoongi smiled nervously tryna keep it cool.

"Enough with the lies you're really bad at it, a scary movie? You two?", Jimin shook his head and walked upstairs.

He swung the door wide ajar seeing Hobi mosturising his face.

"You ditched me", Jimin crossed his arms at the frame door.

"I know I know.. I had things to do this morning", Hobi said while tapping his cheeks in the mirror.

"Okay what's up?"

"What what's up?", Hobi turned to him.

"You had something to do but your boyfriend down there saying you overslept cause you both watched a scary movie.. what's with that crap", Jimim was so confused.

"I.. we.. watched a scary movie and i had something to do in my dream, yeah that's why I overslept", Hobi slowly nodded slightly smiling, "okay that's a lame excuse i'll just make it up to you".

He was just being creative as he turned back to the front continuing his morning routine.

"Jungkook's waiting, i'll be downstairs", Jimin closed the door.

Jimin went down to see the doms talking. He interrupted in the middle, "whatcha doin.."

"Nothing..", Jungkook scratched his head.

"I haven't seen you guys hanging out together since—", Jungkook glared a little, "n-never mind", Jimin cleared his throat standing up straight.

"Jungkook was just busy telling me how much he begged to get back with you and how sorry he felt when you simply said yes", Yoongi teased giving a one second smirk.

"Yahh you know i didn't say that", Jungkook jokingly hit Yoongi's arm but the older just ignored.

"Don't you wanna punch him or something yoongi ?", Jimin grinned exchanging eye contacts with Yoongi,

"You allow me to?"

"Ah hyung your punches aren't that strong", Jungkook snatched a head pillow blocking in defence.

"Oh really?? You wanna try that again?", Yoongi on the couch kicked on the pillow Jungkook was holding.

He snatched and threw it away. Quickly he pulled the younger's head to rub his head with his fists. Jungkook was trying to resist but his legs and hands were kept locked by Yoongi's lower limb sitting on them.

"Hyung i just did my hair !"

He strangled the younger and Jimin just helped by laughing at the back of the couch.

"Jimin join me!", Yoongi shouted.

Jimin then took the pillow from the floor and hit on Jungkook's back playfully.

"Yah you betrayer!", Jungkook couldn't stop Jimin from hitting him.

The taller was stuck in between the two laughing and being all chaotic on the couch.

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