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"Honey i'm telling you this is the best of the best i'm sure you'll love it"

Jimin waiting on a couch just nodded. The stylist held a few display suits in his hand.

A tuxedo, Nehru suits, tail coats for their grand wedding dinner. The black morning tail coat with a special grey stripe pant for garden wedding. The Linen suits for summer and beach celebration. The bridegroom can chose his best man team dress up the same design and color.

All sorts of suits hung in the open wardrobe free to be chosen by best designs and price.

"Oh and it goes great with this bow tie", he left various designs of bow tie on the arm.

"Jimin ?", Jungkook at the side called after seeing Jimin staring down.

"Hey", Jungkook snapped his fingers a few times.

"Uh ?", Jimin looked up.

"How 'bout this one ?", Jungkook pointed at the stylist's choice.

The stylist held it out towards Jimin.

"I'm okay with that", Jimin lazily said.

"You've said that to all the other suits hours ago", Jungkook put his arms on the waist.

"If you prefer top designers we have Calvin Klein—"

"do you serve drinks ?", Jungkook massaged his nose bridge and turned to the stylist.

"We do, we only have orange juice and warm tea and black coffee"

"Warm tea please", Jungkook requested as he went to where Jimin was.

He sat next to him on the same couch and took the hands in his.

"You're not feeling well ?", Jungkook peeked downwards.

"I'm fine. I just don't feel like try suits and look at wedding plans today", Jimin quietly said.

"You could've told me, i wouldn't need to drag you out of the house"

"I didn't want to disappoint you", Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook leaned back still staring at him.

"Hobi is it ?", he took a guess.

"Of course it's him", Jimin played with his fingers.

"You don't gotta think too much. He's not gonna change his mind"

"He doesn't even talk to me", Jimin felt upset.

"And you don't stand a chance", Jungkook made Jimin silent looking other ways, "listen to what he has to say first", Jungkook rubbed his back.

"..okay", Jimin caught Jungkook's hand standing up.

"Here's warm tea", the stylist came with a tray.

"Save the tea", Jungkook refused making the stylist pout, "And the Calvin Klein latest design"

"Top notch hun", he winked.

Jimin and Jungkook reached home to see Mrs Jeon at the couch scrolling on a tab.

"Mum ?", Jungkook asked surprised.

"Hey babies", Mrs Jeon saw the two walked in, "So have you chosen your outfits ?"

"Not yet", Jungkook shook his head.

Mrs Jeon saw Jimin being quiet and Jungkook tilting his head.

"I'll make you something", Jimin excused himself to the kitchen.

"And i'll shower", Jungkook went upstairs.

Mrs Jeon trailed Jimin with her eyes and then her feet. She sat on the stool by the kitchen counter seeing Jimin making tea.

"Jimin ?", she summoned.

Jimin turned around to her with a questionable expression.

"Are you okay?", she bit an apple from a nearby basket.

"Yeah i..think so", Jimin nodded anyway.

"Did something happen ?"

"I..don't know", Jimin shrugged.

"Here. Come sit", she called over.

Jimin made himself comfortable adjusting here and there.

"I know what you're thinking Jimin", she said.

Jimin sighed deeply focusing on the consultation.

"You are a strong one, Jimin. You always don't want things hard on Jungkook and instead you keep it to yourself. You think that you should decide on things that'll make him happy more than for yourself. And that's what makes you stronger. I don't see why you can't do Hobi the same", she had another bite.

"I think they're just two different people. I mean i love both of them the same but there's something that differentiates Hobi and i can't accept the hurtful fact that he's—"

Jimin coughed.

"Dying?", Mrs Jeon guessed.

"Am i the only who can't say or even hear that word ? Or should i act fine when someone i love is about to leave me for good ?", Jimin shook his head several times.

"No, Jimin. It's sad, i know. But life is full of sudden goodbyes. But it doesn't mean that's the end. It simply mean you're gonna miss them until you meet them again. And you, as Hobi's best of friends and soulmate, if you can't accept his choice, how do you think he'll go with no regrets?"

Jimin looked down and sighed, "But i don't want him to"

Preventing to blink, he failed. A tear fell across his cheek as he sniffed and rubbed his runny nose.

Mrs Jeon held his hands, "Sometimes, you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what's going on with someone else's heart and mind. You just need to be there for him when he's really in need. You can't ignore him whose attention from you means the most. Your heart can't let go and guess what ? Be proud of that cause no one will ever ask you to forget those who you lost. Give him a chance"

"I guess.. i'll try", Jimin sniffed.

"That's it, try listen to what he has to say first. And keep you face up, try understanding his reasons even if it's really hard to accept them. He knows what's best for him and everyone around him"

"I got it", Jimin nodded.

"What'd i miss ??", Jungkook came down drying his hair with a towel.

"Everything", Mrs Jeon glanced at Jimin with a wink and Jimin chuckled grinning back at Jungkook.

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