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"Uh Jimin ah ? Why are you here this late ?" Mrs Jeon pulled the tie on her robe as the cold air coming into the open door as she asked as she saw Jimin through the monitor before she opened the door.

"I need to see Jungkook. He's not at home" Jimin nervously said as he breathed in and out tired after a long run at 1am.

"Sure he's upstairs. Come in it's cold and you're with slippers" she let Jimin in as he felt calm at Mrs Jeon's treatment. One thing for sure, she didn't know their relationship was at edge.

"Do you want to drink or something?"

"No thank you" he smiled as he walked upstairs.

He reached Jungkook's bedroom taking a deep breath as he knocked three times. He waited but there weren't any sound of footsteps or shuffling as he cupped his ears at the door.

He hesitantly opened the door to his surprise that it wasn't locked. The room was dark. The light shone from outside barely helped him find his way to Jungkook who's lying on the bed.

He didn't bother to turn on the lights afraid that the taller would be startled. His steps were careful until he kicked a bottle clashing with another. He realised there were bottles of alcohol lying on the carpet. All were empty to its last drop. He didn't have to be shocked.

He already knew the reason.

He approached Jungkook on the bed as he sat by him sinking into the lumpy bed. Jungkook was drunk, tipsy as he mumbled unclear words in his sleep. Beside him, lied a familiar treasure that had Jimin sighed.

The painting of his portrait.

"Kookie ah" his voice was slow as it was slowly cracking between his vocal cords gently caressing Jungkook's hands.

"Uh..it's Jiminie" he hiccuped in between his sentence as he smiled innocently.

Jimin began sniffing as he looked away feeling dead guilty to Jungkook who's not mad at him at the time being. Thanks to alcohol, he could at least talk to him even though he might forget everything the next morning.

Jimin quietly wiped his tears thinking Jungkook couldn't possibly saw it because of the darkness surrounding the souls.

"My baby" he cupped Jimin's face.

Jimin's tears shredded a whole flood as he felt a pair of lips landing on his forehead in between the bangs of his hair. He really wished he could stay like that forever. Wanting Jungkook to not sober up so he wouldn't push Jimin away anymore.

"Kookie.. please, I want to explain" Jimin cried as he held both Jungkook's hands who's still cupping his face.

"Wh-what's wrong?" Jungkook tilted his head smiling cluelessly of the situation in his blurry vision. He couldn't even think straight, barely opened his eyes.

"If I tell you when right now in this condition would you remember and come find me in the morning?" Jimin sobbed he spoke

"Baby wh-what are you talking about?" he lifted Jimin's face up to his.

"Everything was a set up, I fainted before i could do anything. Tae didn't even touch me" Jimin cried as he quietly explained

"Tae.." he frowned, "tae? Oh.." he let go off Jimin and leaned back on the board of the bed, "that prick" he scoffed,

"Kookie.." Jimin leaned in to grab his hand but Jungkook glared looking away

"Why Jimin? I sincerely love you and you.." he chuckled though his eyes were teary, "you cheat on me with that son of a bitch"

He stared as Jimin cried silently, "what did I do wrong? Tell me, why did I do that you turn away from me?" Jungkook whispered loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"Nothing. You did nothing. Everything you did was absolutely perfect for me, for us" Jimin shook his head continuously

"Then why. Why are you so mean to me?"

"It's not that Kookie-"

"Stop! Stop calling me that" he got up almost tumbled on his weak knees standing beside the bed. He pulled Jimin's hand leading him to the door pushing him to get out,

"you don't deserve to be in my life. You're just a worthless piece of shit" he slammed the wooden door right in the smaller's face that made Jimin flinch as he felt his skin coming off from his bones. Jimin knelt down grabbing a fistful hold of his chest where his heart was feeling it throbbed way too hard than he ever felt.

He couldn't let a word come out of his mouth as he knelt infront of Jungkook's bedroom door crying till he's out of breath as if he could just faint there.


His hands trembled at the shock as he took out his phone searching for a contact number. He dialled Jin's number in one of his top lists in favourites. He tried more than a few times but it kept sending him to voicemail.

He gathered himself and walked downstairs while his fingers kept tapping on Jin's number. He didn't have the thought to try calling someone else as he was too panic.

As he got out of the house sitting at the porch, a bright light shone right into his eyes with the roaring sound of a vehicle.

"Jimin ah" Jin and Namjoon got out and picked Jimin up guiding him to walk to the car at the back seat. Jin tucked him in a blanket he prepared as he lied down before they left.

He could see Jimin's ankle was bluish purple, swollen from the sprain he got the other day. He wasn't even supposed to walk, yet he ran to Jungkook's house without anyone's concern of his whereabouts.

Jin and Namjoon didn't have to guess where he went off, of course nowhere than Jungkook's house. The car left the porch making its turn to the nearest junction disappearing from sight.

From Jungkook's sight.

on the top floor, he closed the curtains as he walked back to bed landing his body as he slept his drunkenness off.

"He's going to be so sorry Jiminie, just forget the pain for now" Namjoon spoke as he looked at Jimin through his rearview mirror though he wasn't sure if Jimin paid attention or not.

You may not remember tonight but tonight was meant for me..The last chance for me.

Why does it hurt so bad that it isn't even my fault? And you don't even listen.

You don't want me anymore and i need to accept that.

I'd say it's your loss but deep inside, it's mine too.

What hurts the most is that we never really said goodbye. We just kind of ended.

But who knows one day you'll love me again.

And by that time you realise, I'd already be waiting for you, hopefully.

I may not be able to tell you I miss you, but I do.

And I didn't mean to fall for you,
I promise. I just..did.

Do i regret ? I don't know.

Do you?

Jimin buried his face into the blanket he crumpled falling into the long night drive.

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