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"Taemin ssi, it wasn't supposed to happen", the director of the Puma fashion show said.

Taemin was at his table sighing for the thousandth time. Jimin with hands clasped together looking down at his feet.

"Of course it wasn't supposed to happen. That's why there are tasks for every single thing. Lights and cameras, make up, dressing, taking care of the main outfit! Taking care all that wouldn't have led to this", Taemin almost lost his temper.

"Everything was fine an hour before the show Taemin ssi", the director spoke again.

Taemin stood up with arms crossed walking to him, "what about half an hour before the show? 15 minutes before? 5? It's your job to check on everything. Make changes or do something if it goes wrong in the last minute. Is that so hard?", Taemin was so close at his face making him dodge.

Jimin at the back still didn't say anything. Until he looked up to see Taemin looking at him.

"Park Jimin"

"Yes Taemin? ..ssi", he flinched.

"Don't think that whatever connection we have you can slip away from this"

"I don't—"

"As a leader, get a grip"

Jimin was taken aback that such harsh comment made his heart throb.

"You're gonna meet Elena with me tonight and that's an order."

"Jimin shouldn't take the blame sir", the director defended the shorter.

"He wore the outfit right? Basically he invented a new look himself for Puma. And if our company lost Puma who are we to blame? If Korea..lost Puma? Imagine that", Taemin shifted his eyes to Jimin.

"I have no excuses", Jimin looked down.

"Good. Now both of you, out".


Jimin leaned back at the lamp post outside the building. It was his chance to shine but though he did get the spotlight, dealing with the consequences was another thing.

He ruined everything. He wasn't supposed to even apply for the show. He thought he shouldn't have agreed to modelling in the first place.

"Hey", Hobi came from behind smiling and all.

"Oh hey", Jimin slowly spoke.

"I don't know the details but i know what happened. So if you wanna spend the night with me talking about it and getting drunk you can hop in yoongi's car right now so we can buy loads of soju and tteokbokki on the way", Hobi hugged him.

"Thanks but tonight is getting scolded stage two", Jimin shrugged.

"Ooff.. well it's bad to say but goodluck", Hobi waved goodbye as he walked away.

Jimin leaned back again and looked around. Taemin passed by around the parking lot and Jimin decided to explain.

He walked over to him, "Taemin"

Taemin turned to him and shoved his phone in the pocket. He was expressionless.

"Do you have time for me ?", Jimin asked desperately.

"I don't know, do i?", the taller was serious.

"What is the matter with you?"

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