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"Open your eyes"

Jimin took a deep breath before his eyes flickered opened. Sitting in front of the portrait mirror reflected a whole different version of himself.

His cheeks were blushed rosy pink and a pale peach gloss on the plump pair of lips. A white bowtie centred at his lower nape of neck. The tux, the outer suit and the slacks, all in white.

"So.. do you like it..? Your hair was the hardest part but it turned out well", Hobi from his back bent down holding his shoulders.

"It's more than perfect", Jimin smiled getting up.

"Done right..?", Hobi asked while packing the products back into the storage boxes.

"Wait one more !", Mrs Jeon came in a rush with a thin white vail.

"A vail ??", Jimin gasped.

"Yes but it doesn't go on the head", Mrs Jeon turned Jimin around to face the mirror while she pinned the vail safely.


Jimin made a half turn to scan himself from the mirror. The three layered vail was attached at his back just beneath the torso like a half gown's tail.

"I wanna do this at least since you're not a girl", Mrs Jeon shrugged.

"I love it", Jimin satisfyingly thanked and hugged the woman from the side clashing heads.

"Is everyone ready ?", Hobi asked Tae who stood by the door from outside.

"Ready when he is", Tae signalled.

Jimin took deep breaths slowly again and again. He walked to stand by the door clasping both his hands together.

"Mum ?", he called.

"Coming! I'm just rearranging the bouquet by myself", Mrs Park got up from the couch with a black rosed bouquet and passed it to Jimin.

"Mum..", he called again. This time a bit slower.

Mrs Park smiled at his son holding his hand tight.

"You're gonna do fine. I'm here next to you until the end of the alley okay ?"

"..okay", Jimin nodded.

"Ah ah ah ! No kisses. My masterpiece would be ruined", Hobi blocked the mother-son relationship being all affectionate a few seconds ago.

"Here goes"

Piano; *Canon in D Major (Pachelbel)*

Jimin held his bouquet low. His arms were bent in a diamond shape in front of his body as he walked gracefully.

His mum from the side kept stroking his forearm slowly. He felt calm.

Hobi from the back holding up the tail parallel to his pace.

His pace matched the beat of the song. Not so fast not too slow. He looked around at the crowd of guests who came to support him. He could see all the chairs were decorated with white beautifully tied ribbons.

He found that Jin beaming back at him. Tae and Yoongi sending him comfort gazes.

Though there's more people, those were the important ones to him. He could never neglect.

Jimin looked more graceful and elegant as he stood up straight. Having good posture while he walked down the aisle made him look confident, lean and more beautiful.

The cameraman leading him from the front didn't use any flashes as he requested just in case he'd freak out.

Half way, he saw the love of his life. Waiting there with hands clasped together. Several times looking down at his feet and back again into his eyes.

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