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The room was filled with CEOs and COOs from various companies in collaboration between Korea and Japan. That night was also important for Jungkook as he's in search of noble and reliable individuals to work with his upcoming partnership contract.

So far he found nobody. But there was one he recognised. And a very capable one indeed, his scales, abrasions, finance structures, all were perfect and guaranteed to back up the sports brand company's weaknesses that Jungkook owned.


Yoongi was invited to come not only to support the exhibition, but also in the same shoes as Jungkook, chasing the same motif.

Jungkook knew he should have the courage to do important businessue for the sake of his company, he's just a little worried that emotional aspects get involved since he didn't end up in good terms with Yoongi after what happened to Jimin.

As for Yoongi, he also felt the same.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the one and only inherited jewellery by the ancestors of ancestors in the very royalty, a natural lapis gemstone earring with a cabochon opaque boho stone around it, and specially, the hook is entirely made of white gold, comfortable and gorgeous on both male or female. And i recommend the buyer to give this precious as the most valuable treasure to their loved one" the bidder announced as he showed the earrings in the display box right next to him,

"Wow" Jimin was amused

"It's beautiful" Hobi's jaw dropped

The room was full of chatters from the guests having interest to have the earrings. The wives began whining and begging at their husbands looking at the jewel as one of a kind.

"I wouldn't say anything if people buy that" Jin shook his head also engulfed at the beauty that shone from the display itself.

"We're gonna have a great head start, one million !" the bidder opened for auction in search of a higher price

"One million here" Yoongi raised his number

"What are you doing??" Hobi tugged on on Yoongi's sleeves

"You said it's beautiful" Yoongi simply responded

"Well that doesn't mean you have to buy it" Hobi refused

"Two million" a man from the crowd with his electronic cigarette in his hand as he raised


"Five here"

"Five and a half on the phone" a secretary by the desk shouted

"It's going up fast" Namjoon bit his inner cheek looking around the room like lions hunting the same prey

"Six and a half" the guys turned to Jungkook who finally joined the bidding and Jimin accidentally made eye contact but kept himself steady

"Seven million" Yoongi sternly raised his low voice

"Okay we have seven there for number ten" the bidder hyped up the mood

"Yoongi babe you need to stop" Hobi's mouth slightly parted with eyes concerned

"They'll keep going higher"

"Well let them"

"I won't lose this one for you" Yoongi's respond had Hobi scoffed and he got really pissed

"Oh for fuck's sake" Hobi stepped back

The crowd began shaking their heads, some giving up, some felt challenged.

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