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The group reached the beautiful well known island, Maafushi and here there were.

"Here we are !!!", Hobi running off with Jimin and Tae towards a more crowded area.

"You guys go have lunch", Jungkook waved away.

Namjoon with Jin and Yoongi carried the bags trailing behind Jungkook.

"How bout you guys ?", Jimin asked. 

"We'll check in the beach house", they walked away. 

After checking in they got a house each. Rested and settled well to save energy just for tomorrow.

"You ready ?", Jimin asked Jungkook putting on a robe.

"Let's", the two walked out and went towards the pine trees where warm fume was released fading into the dark night.

"Is it here ?", Jimin peeked with his head ducked lower.

"Should be", Jungkook hummed. 

It was quiet, only distinct murmurs. 

"We're clearly on an island so why can't we bathe in the sea ?", Jimin questioned.

"It may be twenty seven degree celsius in the day but it's always fifteen at night. It's freaking cold", Jungkook held Jimin's waist while wandering around.

"I hope the Jacuzzi here are big enou-" 

The two paused their motion witnessing a scene. 

An erotic one. Yoongi in the pool leaned back at the stoned wall with.. Hobi grinding on him. They were moving to and fro as they kept eating out each other.

Jimin gasped trying to pull Jungkook away quietly but-

"Well this is a first", Jungkook interrupted shamelessly.

"Shit guys", Hobi got off slowly and moved to lean next to Yoongi who had his harm stretched out.

"You don't seem that surprised", Jimin said chuckling at the couple.

"Meh we heard you talking just now", Yoongi shrugged.

"So that was just for show ??", Jimin questioned and Hobi exchanged looks with Yoongi before laughing secretly. 

"I wanna have my ticket refund", Jungkook shook his head. 

"Aw that's mean", Hobi pouted. 

"Come in with us", Yoongi insisted. 

Jimin and Jungkook had no reason to refuse so they stepped inside slowly and sat together opposite the latter. 

"How'd you know about the hot tub though ?", Jungkook tilted his head.

"Oh the receptionist called the wrong beach house. They said they had it ready and coincidentally, we were ready too", Yoongi answered.

"And you didn't call me instead ?", Jungkook was in disbelief. 

"You gotta take what you're given", Hobi smirked mischievously too. 

Jimin pushed the warm away from coming out from the skimmer that was emitting warm steam too. Jungkook tapped his shoulder smiling. The smaller then returned back into his arms. 

"So what's for tomorrow ?", Jungkook addressed Jimin and Hobi who should be planning.

"Well, we did some research that Maafushi Island is also known as a romantic island", Hobi smiled wide at Yoongi.

"Yeah they have dolphin safari .. and the pass allows couples too", Jimin exclaimed.

"Hey not to ruin the romance vibe but we have Tae", Yoongi reminded.

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