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Is it what i'm thinking about? He wants me.. shirtless ?!

"Hm ?" Jungkook asked again

Jimin didn't take his eyes off jungkook's, still speechless at the situation. His hands are still at his collars waiting for his permission to take the shirt off. Jimin thought about it a lot but also preparing in his mind to say yes as it's his turn to help him.. so he slowly nodded. Jungkook let go off his hands letting jimin unbutton his shirt himself. But jimin froze, eyes staring at the floor, hands on his buttons but not moving.

"Let me" Jungkook came close as jimin put his hands down onto his lap. He trailed his fingers opening the first button smoothly in a go. He could see jimin nervously taking his breath deeply while looking the other way. Jungkook blinked a few times trying so hard to ignore the awful silence. He moved to the next button and accidentally touched jimin's chest at the back of his fingers making jimin lean back a little. Jimin's heart was beating fast at the sudden take over.

The latter put his hand on jimin's shoulder to have him relaxed while unbuttoning the rest with his other hand exposing more of his chest revealing his torso. Until the last button came off, jungkook could see a few inches of jimin's v line right above his belt disappearing at the hem of his trousers. He stared a bit longer than he should making jimin look up to him waiting for what's happening next.

   He came back to his senses as he pulled down the open shirt to fall off jimin's left shoulder leaving there hanging as a decision for the style he intended to draw. He turned around to sit at his chair taking a sharp edged pencil and began tracing the outline on the canvas.

   Jimin still speechless feeling distinct to this new exposure of art. He never knew modelling could be so tense. He legs spread in the middle and crossed by his foot, his hands held on the stool behind him as he leaned back using the support, he sat comfortably taking a deep breath slowly becoming more confident of himself. While watching jungkook focusing on him then the drawing, eyes shifting from his face back to the canvas over and over again.

"Don't think otherwise. Figure drawing and painting is my major." He spoke as he drew

"Fi-figure?" Jimin scolded himself from the inside for stuttering

"Figurative style. I found out when i started drawing myself from the mirror. Then i started taking people's time to draw them"

"So you've drawn many before.." jimin looked at him

"With payment."

"It's currently your job i guess ?"

"Hm, but i got paid with time. Not the painting."

Jimin tilted his head a bit confused.

"It's been the main thing in my life. I got paid for how much time i took from my models. Each second they were willing to give in as i draw them. The last models left me great memories, and i had fun painting the couple. They're.. different" he smirked to himself thinking about his memory as he started to mix the paint on a glass mirror.

"Couple?" Jimin raised his eyebrows paying attention to his story

Jungkook hummed as he dipped the paintbrush in his hand into the mixed paint at a reasonable amount, slowly tracing it on the canvas across the outline he drew, carefully not to smear outside the boundary. Jimin couldn't see anything except for the painter moving his arm and wrist up and down, also random directions behind the canvas he were to await. He couldn't imagine the outcome but he sure trust him already expecting a great finish.

   Jungkook then imposed the colour with a complete opposite interaction. A pastel pink with dark blue running across each stripe filling in the empty spaces. It's absurd, but beautifully described. After 2 long hours, he turned to jimin smiling widely. Jimin got up from the stool stretching his limb reaching around the canvas and he found himself at ease appreciating every centimetre of the painting, he scanned himself in the art from head to toe, all too perfect, couldn't believe he had such a talented friend that's graceful at hands.

He thought to himself that he never looked that nice, he looked like art. And art wasn't supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make him feel something when it's done. And yes the progress became perfection.

"How'd you like it" jungkook waiting for jimin's respond but proud enough seeing him smile

"Beautiful, i mean it" jimin bending down a little next to jungkook who was still sitting.

Jungkook shifted his eyes from his face to his bare chest and waist. Jimin's shirt hanging loose on his shoulder as the dim light ran across his shoulder, his not so hard tummy but perfectly built made him lost in the situation. He might have forgotten that he was still half naked but lost at absorbing his thoughts admiring the product.

"It really is beautiful" jungkook spoke unconsciously.

Jimin turned to him and smirked as jungkook slapped his mouth with his own hand looking away finding the taller guy cute. It was late at night, both were tired, they were alone, they just somehow trapped in a moment where they needed attention.

"Jungkook..do you wanna fuck?" as he turned to jimin, his eyes widened at the sudden request, his hand was pushed away from his mouth swiftly intertwined with jimin's. Jimin smashed onto his lips feeling jungkook froze at his sudden attack.

He pulled back from the kiss waiting for a respond while still bending, his face was so close to jungkook. He hoped that he didn't cross the line and how awkward it would be if jungkook got up to leave.

In a blink, jungkook pulled their already intertwined hand and yanked jimin to sit on his lap. Jimin wrapped his arms around jungkook's neck. They lips met again.

The kiss wasn't filled with love or need. It's filled with an uncertain eagerness that they both weren't sure about. They both were chasing after one thing, but truly wasn't love.
Just needed to escape from the reality.

Jungkook pulled back when jimin lifted himself up positioning himself on his clothed crotch.

"Are you sure?" asked jungkook panting

"Yes" jimin moved back in, their tongues sloppily running against each other fighting for dominance eventhough jungkook would definitely win. As their hands roamed on each other's body, jimin's shirt slipped off to the floor, his half naked body arching back on top of jungkook, still kissing.

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