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"But how did this happen?" Jimin was in shock while munching on the food.

"Aren't you happy for me ?" Yoongi asked

"Of course i am, but how-"

"I don't know it just happened" hobii shrugged playing innocent.

"What'd i miss?" Jungkook sat down with a banana milk in his hand.

Jimin pulled on jungkook's shirt whispering to his ear telling him what's going on.

The other two infront of them just waited for jungkook's reaction slightly getting nervous.

"What ?!" Jungkook gulped on his drink widening his bunny eyes.

"Oh come on, you can't be serious. It's not like we're asking for permission to get married or something" yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Ok then but spill" jimin rested his chin on his hands leaning a little forward.

"we were alone at in the toilet during recess and y'know.." hobii looked at yoongi

Jungkook palmed his mouth holding back the 'uwu' expression while jimin next to him was very keen to know more of the story that's about to reveal.

Seeing them both too excited, yoongi got up holding hobii's hand,

"Ok that's it. We're leaving" he pulled hobii with him away from the cafeteria leaving jimin and jungkook at the table.

Flashback a few days ago at school :)

Hobii was washing his hands in the toilet and no one was there. While doing so he began humming a song resulting an echo throughout the empty space.

Yoongi was passing by outside and stopped at the entrance paying attention to the melodious sound. He confidently walked in and saw hobii fixing his hair while humming.

"You have a nice voice" yoongi crossed his arm as he leaned at the door.

Hobii glared at him rolling his eyes and stopped the hum.

Yoongi came closer and approached him at the sink looking at his features more carefully.

"What the hell do you want" hobii glared

"Now you know this is why i rejected you at prom last year.. it's your attitude" yoongi smirked

Hobii cocked an eyebrow turning to him, "don't misunderstand. I stopped liking you when you start fucking every single boy and girl in this school."

"I've changed just so you know"

"Yeah right. Just because jimin's with you lately doesn't mean you've turned into a goddess angel or something" he rolled his eyes

"Well i guess you're still keeping tabs on me" yoongi smirked with a devilish laugh

"You wish" hobii walked away to exit

"Sorry" a low husky voice coming from yoongi made hobii turned to him stopping his motion.

"You're cute back then but i wanted to maintain my reputation by not dating the nerd.. it's just highschool matter" Yoongi looked at hobii, "sorry i rejected you openly at the prom"

Hobii came in front of him crossing his arms, "thanks for saying sorry" he smiled.

"How about.. we start over?" Yoongi looked into the taller's eyes

"Huh? No no no, i don't think that's a good idea" hobii shook his head

"Come on" yoongi took hobii's hands in his and rubbing the back of it with his thumbs.

"I don't know yoongi" hobii tried to pull away but in a blink yoongi pulled him making hobii lean on him at the sink.

"I bet you sound nice too when you moan my name huh" yoongi let his breath brushed across hobii's lips making him shiver.

"Oh fuck it" hobii leaned forward meeting his lips aggressively kissing turning into a whole make out.

His hands strangled yoongi's hair while yoongi gripped him on the waist shoving in his tongue claiming his dominance. Hobii snaked his hand down to his neck then to his shirt quickly undoing the buttons while still kissing.

Yoongi pulled him closer as they touched and looked down at hobii's bulge that began hardening,

"Already?" He teased

"Oh shut the fuck up" hobii pulled him into one of the stalls locking it behind him leaning against it as yoongi hovered over him.

They continued to kiss roughly eating themselves out.

"We have to be quick" hobii tossed his head back as yoongi kissed his neck.

Hobii went to sink his knees unbuckling yoongi's belt pulling down his pants and boxers. Yoongi's huge dick sprung out at his face. Hobii hesitant at first then took in the whole length into his mouth reaching his throat.

After a few pumps, yoongi lifted him to stand up and turn around facing the door.  He took off hobii's undies and entered without preparing him.

They didn't care if people outside listened to the door banging along with loud moans and whimpers coming from the small cubicle.

And that's that. They became a couple. The quick fuck wasn't just a random make out. It meant more for them though it came out of nowhere.

The students didn't really know about it yet until that night yoongi tweeted a picture of hobii sleeping on his lap with a caption, 'mine'.

They somehow become the most shipped couple at school lately and no one could mess with them. Yoongi would even get help from his friends in his senior year to team up if hobii was ever disturbed or harassed by anyone, inside or outside school.

Not long after, the four males became so close that they would meet every single day and hangout.

They chose themselves, help each other out, be there when they're in need. They didn't realise they've been making memories, they just knew they're having fun.

More and more, they mean so much to one another, through great and tough times. From happy to sad times.

It's a connection no one could explain, it's a relationship they had unlike any other. They looked at themselves in million ways and they've loved each other in every each.

They were one of a kind, different from others and they were beautiful. Like flowers blooming among the weeds. The kind of beauty not everyone could recognise, the kind many didn't get pleasure of knowing. They were complex layers of emotions that normal souls couldn't handle. But only themselves.

It wasn't' long. Just a year as they got close. But their friendship wasn't about who they've known the longest. It's about who walked into their lives saying

'i'm here for you' and they proved it.

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