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The room was dead silent.

Jimin was on his phone scrolling whatever just to avoid talking to Taemin. He noticed Taemin had been stealing glances to say something.

And for sure, he had no mood to listen.


"Mrs Smith has arrived sir", the secretary informed at the door.

"Yes let her in"

Both Taemin and Jimin stood up. As the lady came in they shook hands and greet each other politely.

"How are you Mr Lee?", Mrs Smith asked.

"Fine thank you. You remember me ?", Taemin was impressed.

"Of course, for ten years your company has the highest sales rate promoting our brand. I'd say thank you on behalf of Elena", she smiled.

"She didn't come?"

"No, sorry her schedule's quite packed", she turned to Jimin who was ignored for a moment, "My apologies, you must be Park Jimin".

"I am. Nice to meet you", Jimin politely shook her hand.

"About the show, I've seen it. You were gorgeous Mr Park", she complimented.

Jimin just nodded thinking he didn't deserve the praise.

"Has Elena seen the show?", Taemin was nervous.

"Yes and she was frustrated she couldn't make it here today"

"Elena must've wanted to sign off the contract", Taemin sighed.

"Why'd you say that?", she put the teacup down.

"Uh? What do you mean why?", Taemin was clueless.

"Elena didn't mention anything about the contract", she shook her head looking at both the males confused.

"Why didn't she?"

"Why would she ?", she scoffed also in confusion, "Elena praised the new look though it didn't go as planned and she really wanted to meet the model".

"Really?", Jimin raised an eyebrow a bit shocked.

"Of course. Why else did you think i contacted to come for? I mean sleeveless sportswear are trendy too these days. The outer jacket is just for show. Jogging is already exhausting with the open air. It's summer, plus"

"But I thought I made a huge mistake", Jimin admitted.

"Gladly Elena didn't see it that way. She loved it"

Taemin was relieved and continued talking with the woman. Jimin was more than relieved that no words could describe it.

He thought he'd get fired for it. But turned out, he was the jackpot.

"It was nice talking about this, care for dinner? We have it booked earlier", Taemin stood up to lead her.

He turned to Jimin who looked at him and then looked down.

"I'll be right behind you Mrs Smith", Taemin said and she nodded having the secretary to bring her away to the dining room.

"You should join dinner too", Taemin gently said to Jimin.

"I have other plans", Jimin refused politely enough, "well, best be off", he took his bag to leave.

"Jimin", Taemin called, "I..I wanted to say i'm sorry. I just overreacted over a simple mistake. I thought it might've affected the whole business"

"Don't apologise. I'd freak out in your place too", Jimin said with a slight smile.

"So we're good?"

"Yeah", he nodded and about to make his way.

"Wait", Taemin stopped him again, "you and jungkook?", he made sure.

"Pretty much. We met in high school and were together since", Jimin explained brief.

"Since then? But that day we.."

"I wasn't with him that time. But we solved things and got together again"

"Oh..", Taemin nodded.

The situation was awkward.

"I hope things are okay for both of you"

"You too", Jimin left.


Jimin was stir frying veges. He put in some salt and pepper and controlled the heat well.

He then paused for a moment. He was reminded about him making out with Taemin back in the days.

He felt the slight guilt. He should come out to Jungkook about it. Though it's not entirely wrong cause they weren't together during the time.

But still he felt like a huge lump was stuck in his throat. He shook his head brushing off his thought.

"Kookie! Dinner's ready", he called preparing the table.

"Smells nice", Jungkook came down to sit.

"You sure your mum's not mad?", Jimin sat down.

"She invited for dinner but I told her you're sick", Jungkook shrugged.

"You didn't have to lie", Jimin gave him the chicken wing.

"No difference. Dad's not gonna come anyway", Jungkook began eating.

"Is he really mad ?", Jimin pursed his lips.

"Totally. But it'll be fine from time to time"

Jimin pursed his lips nodding. He stared at Jungkook who's busy enjoying his homemade dish.

"Hey.. can I ask you something?", Jimin tried to be calm.

"Yeah why ask for permission?", Jungkook laughed off.

"I was just wondering, when we weren't together what did you do ?", Jimin asked.

"What did i do? Like i don't do the same thing everyday for five months"

Jimin crossed his arms, "ahem", referring to him stuck on the bed crying all day.

"No offence babe", Jungkook surrendered.

"I mean.. did you like do anything that you think it might piss me off if i knew?"

"You knew", Jungkook munched on the food.

"I do?"

"I smoked"

"Oh.. but do you do other things.. like meet.. someone else ? Excluding Jieun"

"You mean to really hook up with?", Jimin nodded, "of course not. How can i when i only think of getting back with you?"

Jimin sighed.

"Right.. of course you wouldn't", Jimin bit his lip thinking of ways to tell Jungkook what he did.

"You overthink too much", Jungkook stood up to put his dishes away and returned, "don't worry, i only love you", he kissed Jimin on the lips and went upstairs, "I have paper works for tonight so don't wait for me okay? goodnight"

"Good..night", Jimin cupped his face at the table after being left alone.

He sighed and sighed. It felt like he was cheating.

It's been so long actually. But it just came to him raging a whole guilt.

Maybe not yet.

But someway, somehow he's gonna need to tell him anyway.

And he hoped it'd be okay.

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