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Tae and Jimin had been spending their days together doing almost everything. They watched a movie, went bowling, eating cheap stuff at the vendors night market, buying matching clothes and even went rock climbing.

But the most beautiful things in life are not just things. They're people, and places, memories and pictures. Their feelings, moments and smiles and laughter.

They went out for hours and hours but still felt it wasn't quite enough. So they gave their all not to regret the next morning when they woke up.

It got dark.

The two were stuck in the traffic. Tae at the driver's seat while Jimin's at the passenger's. A car accident was the reason. Cars were honking at one another, police traffic were busy controlling the busy road, the siren of the ambulance passing by faded out, stuck. It's been more than half an hour and it's been the millionth time since Tae kept sighing finding ways to avoid the hassle but there's none.

"Let's just lean back" Jimin scrolled through his phone,

"It's gonna be another hour" Tae took a guess

The atmosphere was silent. Just comfortable for both the males though they had nothing to talk about. Suddenly a drop of rain hit on the window shield and the rest began pouring heavily.

"Damn it i just hate when it rains in traffic" Tae tossed his head back staring at the cushioned ceiling,

"Can you stop complaining. The cars around you feels the same way as we do yknow" Jimin lectured.

Silent again.

"Hey you wanna know something?" Jimin asked

"Tell me something please, i'm fucking bored here" Tae turned off his phone

"That parked cars are lowkey unofficial therapy sessions"

"Really? That's it? If you want to make me talk about our short dramatic scene outside at the balcony the other night and end up crying when we're both sober i'm getting out right now" Tae sassed

"I didn't say we necessarily need to talk" Jimin rolled his eyes

"Ok what's in your head" Tae turned to face Jimin

"Do you remember that song we used to sing? The one we jammed on the bus on the way back home after night classes ?" Jimin got excited but Tae just shrugged not having a single memory about it,

"Alas the song that your dad scolded us for singing cause he said it's only for women"

"Ahh.. yeah yeah. Stayin' alive right ??" Tae finally recalled

"Yeah that one. Lemme find it" Jimin quickly tapped the letters on his phone keyboard.

As the song began to play the music at the start lingering in their ears had them smiling to themselves and burst into a laughter only they could explain.

"Well now, i get low and i get high~"

"And if i can't get either, i really try~"

They laughed again going back to the older days singing to the only song the share the same interest in. The chorus came in as they sang together ever so loudly with their hearts and soul living the night,

"You're stayin alive, stayin alive, feel the city breakin and everybody shakin, and we're stayin alive, stayin alive"

Though the atmosphere of the not moving road was pathetic, to them they felt alive. Having fun as if there's no tomorrow.

It's exciting when you found part of yourself in someone else's. How they complete your other half that you may see it as flawless.

How this is a lot better than late night talks, than the sloppy drunken thoughts that comes out and end up not remembering any of it the day after.

You are constantly on my mind, in my thoughts and in my heart. I love you no matter what. I will love you even when i am whoever. I will always love you more than forever.

Tae smiled to himself quietly glancing over his side to Jimin who was deep in sleep as he drove back home from the long traffic.


Jimin rubbed his eyes still blurry as he woke up stretching his limbs out. He realised he was on his bed when he couldn't remember how did he  even got there. Tae he thought to himself.

He got outside and went downstairs towards the guest's room. He slowly opened the door seeing Tae still snoring. Jimin decided to prepare breakfast for Tae so he went to the kitchen.

He passed by a door in the huge house and tried opening it. It's locked. It's always been locked. Jimin would always try to jiggle the doorknob though he knew it won't budge the second after.

He got curious. Didn't even know if it's a bedroom or a store room or maybe just a closet. Even Jungkook had no idea of what's inside and could care less to discover.

It was Junghyun's house anyway so he might have forgotten to leave the keys for that door. Maybe lost it.

Jimin came back with a screwdriver poking the knob in several ways but failed. He dropped the tool on the floor startled at the sound of knocking as he heard a loud thud on the main door in the living room.

He went to the door and saw Junghyun at the small monitor waving as though Jimin could wave back. Jimin opened it letting Junghyun come in expecting he would be with Jungkook as it's been three days,

"Jimin hi" Junghyun messed with the smaller's hair,

"Hyung you're alone?"

"Didn't kookie texted you? He's staying for another day cause he wants to learn a little more about the company"

"Then why are you here by yourself"

"I came to take Jungkook's spare car keys cause he lost it, that clumsy brat"

"It's at-" Jimin pointed upwards

"No it's okay, he told me where it is" Junghyun smiled and ran upstairs

Quick as hell he came back downstairs as he found the keys, he turned to say bye to Jimin but he wasn't at the door,

"Jimin ?" Junghyun looked around until he saw Jimin trying to open the locked door

"What are you doing?" he approached the smaller

"I thought of cleaning some stuff in there but i couldn't open it since we moved in."

"It's locked" Junghyun made sure so he twisted the knob himself that didn't budge

"Yeah i tried to open it with the keys you left but none were fit" Jimin bent down examining the door

"There's no key so just let it stay locked" Junghyun's voice got deeper but Jimin didn't really notice,

"But it must be dusty in there cause you left this house for more than a ye-"

Jimin's eyes widened in shock as he was pushed against the wooden surface on his back causing a loud thud being shoved by Junghyun. The taller stared intensely at Jimin whose mouth slightly parted shuddered at the sudden action. Junghyun's arms extended as his hands palmed the door above Jimin.

"I said it's locked. So don't bother to open it"


A/n: Bitchchoes !!
:) stayed up for this :)
enjoy 🖤

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