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"It's done? Give me updates later on" Junghyun put down his phone looking through the window in his private plane as he flew back to Japan.


Beep beep

The sound. It's familiar.

Jimin's eyes flickered before he finally opened them finding himself on a hospital bed. He turned to a bottle of water a few inches away but he couldn't reach it feeling all weak to even get up. He turned to his other side seeing Hobi sleeping by him on a chair head on the bed and the others at the couch napping, specifically the one he expected to be there too wasn't there.

He moved to sit up shuffling between the sheets making Hobi wake up,

"Jiminie you're awake. Guys!" Hobi went to the couch waking the others and they jolted up chasing over to Jimin.

"Hyung.." Jimin's voice cracked pulling Namjoon who was the closest to him into a hug. His head was below his chest cupping in his face into the taller's shirt while his hands crumpled the fabric behind him.

"There there" he rubbed on Jimin's head whilst hugging him.

"What happened?" Jimin sobbed and panted feeling his chest heavy he could barely let out a sound as he cried.

"You sprained your ankle and before we could reach to help you just fainted" Jin explained

"Where is Taetae?" Jimin panicked

"Here" he showed up in between. He was already there but Jimin didn't realise.

"Tell them it's not true please" Jimin begged as tears fell across his cold cheeks

"It's okay. He explained everything" Yoongi held his hands firmly.

"Koo..kookie ? How about Kookie? You didn't tell him?" Jimin almost crawled to Tae but was stopped by Hobi as his condition wasn't as stable to move around wildly as pleased.

"We couldn't get a hold of him. His phone is off" Jin shook his head

"I need to find him" Jimin struggled to get off the bed,

"No. You need to recover" Yoongi held his arm

"I can't let Kookie misunderstand" his voice cracked again

"Jiminie stay. Do you think he'll listen to you easily?"

"Just let me"

"What are you gonna say? That Junghyun his only brother set you and Tae up for no reason? He might push you again" Namjoon grabbed Jimin's shoulder to lean back on the bed

"But he was wrong to come into Kookie's life!" Jimin pulled off the tube wires connected to his hand to get away.

"We know that but Jungkook doesn't. You think he will believe you right away that Junghyun killed his dad just like that? The jerk must've burnt every evidence before you even woke up in bed with Tae" Yoongi growled

Jimin's eyes grew wide and teary feeling more and more tears running down his face. He couldn't leave Jungkook. Jungkook was his everything, his world and much more. Jimin felt as if his boyfriend's existence was the only being he could call his and his only.

He gripped the bed sheet in his fists screaming and shouting like a maniac getting mad at himself. If only he didn't enter the closet and find out about Junghyun's past, none of this would have happened. None of them.

Jin was the only one calming him down as the others surrounding the bed felt sorry watching him being miserable all by himself. Jimin's face was flushed red after the catastrophe scene on his bed and finally was hushed down by Jin who hugged him tightly as ever stroking the smaller's back. Jimin slowly wrapped his arms around Jin staying quiet and burst into tears having trouble to breathe.

"Shh Jiminie it's gonna be ok" Jin hushed him until he fell asleep still whining as he curled up his body on the cold bed.


Jungkook sat in the corner of his room panting after creating a scene on his own. His hands were dripping in blood trembling slightly having pieces of glass stuck on his palm. His table was flipped over, Jimin's clothes from the wardrobe was messed up as he threw everything scattered around the room and Jimin's portrait.

The only item related to Jimin he didn't dare to touch. Too precious for him to toss it to the wall making the frame shatter or to even rip off the canvas apart across the outline of Jimin's face. Too fragile for him to even handle. He didn't have the heart to.

"Jungkook ah?" the familiar voice from downstairs didn't have Jungkook to move a budge. Too ignorant to care.

Namjoon walked inside his room finding everything wasn't in place. Yoongi came too but he just stood at the door observing from afar. He sighed as he approached the younger who was crouching to his knees.

"What are you doing here" Jungkook said not too loud

"I came to check on you. Let's get you treated" Namjoon held him by the wrist but he slipped away gently as he didn't want to vent his anger towards his hyung.

"Forget it hyung. Just let me be miserable by myself" he got up leaving Namjoon who was still kneeling whilst trailing his motion.

As he reached the door to where Yoongi was, he was pushed against the door which Yoongi firmly gripped the collar of his shirt,

"You think you're the only one miserable?! You fucking cunt sent Jimin to the hospital and you didn't even bother to come?!" his strength won over Jungkook as he was too weak to fight back,

"He's the cause of all of this. How am I responsible to go and visit him? I could only send money for his prescriptions on medicines" Jungkook joked around receiving a smack across his face from Yoongi.

"Yah stop it" Namjoon held the both of them apart

"I know him fucking well that he wouldn't do such things. I guess you didn't. Let him explain at least" Yoongi was in rage

"If that's so you should've begged to date him when you confessed so Hobi wouldn't have come in your life" with that Yoongi growled a roar swinging a satisfying punch on the taller's face making him fall to his feet.

Namjoon blocked Yoongi holding him back before he could harm Jungkook once more,

"Just because you're fucked up don't meddle with my relationship that's not pathetic" he left the room as Namjoon chased behind him.

Yoongi stopped to turn around giving his final words, "And Jimin, he's your lost" as he was leaving Jungkook leaning against the door.

He laughed at himself as the house was left empty.

Recover and remember,
don't forgive and forget.

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