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"Cereal proposal ?", Hobi scoffed.

"What's wrong with that ??", Jimin sassed his tone and hugged Jungkook's arm tighter.

"Whatever but i'm freaking happy for both of you", Hobi poked Jimin again and again.

"How are you feeling though?", Jungkook asked.

"Meh. My lungs feel numb every time they inject me", Hobi shrugged.

"Urgh i hate needles", Jimin snarled.

"And i got no choice do i ?", Hobi sat up.

He passionately stared at the couple next to him smiling and laughing at each other seemingly and deeply very loving and affectionate towards each other.

"Uhm guys .. do you perhaps do this by any reason for me too?", Hobi asked all of a sudden.

Jimin turned to him blankly.

"What do you mean.."

"If i'm not able to see you get married cause i'm dying", Hobi said bluntly.

Jimin was speechless.

"Yknow what i mean Jimin", Hobi sternly said.

"How dare you", Jimin's lips trembled and hastily got up leaving Jungkook and Hobi be.

Hobi sighed and then smiled weakly.

"I don't think he's ready", Jungkook patted his upper thighs on the blanket.

"I know but he's got to know about it sooner or later", Hobi shrugged.

"Get some sleep", Jungkook tucked him.

Jungkook was about to head out from the patient's room until-


"Yeah", he turned to Hobi.

"Don't tell him on behalf of me. I just think it's right and better if i come out to him myself", Hobi requested.

"Sure", he left.

Yoongi came into the patient's room along with Jin and another doctor who's been treating Hobi.

They gathered around the bed discussing about some matters seemingly very urgent and important.

Hobi stared at Yoongi who kept scratching at the back of his neck looking uneasy.

"Yoongi babe", Hobi reached out his hand.

Yoongi sighed but with a weak smile holding it standing near to Hobi.

"Well i guess once you fill up some documents, it can be done and you can choose a date so we can start beforehand", the doctor explained.

"How much do we gain from the procedure doc?", Yoongi asked.

"Well since chemo is done and still the cells kept attacking back and forth, you can still do another round but it's not gonna be a high chance"

"High chance to..?"

"Survive", the doctor had Yoongi shit his eyes in disbelief.

"Euthanasia's passive is it?", Jin asked looking through his phone.

"Yes since it's voluntary. We will administer a fatal dose of a suitable drug to the patient on his request. But since euthanasia isn't actually legal in Korea, you yourself or your guardian can manage files from World Health Organisation for countries that allows it"

"So if we have files from abroad, we can still perform it here?", Jin made sure.

"Yes of course", the doctor nodded.

"We'll decide for that", Yoongi understood.

"I'll best be off. And do take more time to think it over", the doctor excused himself to leave.

Hobi kept rubbing Yoongi's back of hand and both remained silent.

"Talk it out, you two", Jin waved goodbye closing the door behind him.

"Do you have to do this ?", Yoongi's lips trembled.

"Come sit up here", Hobi moved a bit to the side giving Yoongi some space to crash on the bed.

"Hobi you're still young. You can still wait", Yoongi convinced him.

"You know how bad my lungs are infected right? We've seen the xray. It's like it's almost gone", Hobi said, "and i don't wanna take pills or carry an oxygen bag with me for the rest of my life. I can already imagine how hard that is, for both me and you"

"We can find other ways", Yoongi was desperate.

"I don't want other ways", Hobi looked down.

"Then what about me ?"

Hobi stared at him and held at his jaw pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you. I really really love you", he kissed him again, "and i really want you to trust me on this"

"But it's just too much. I really want you to think through", Yoongi's voice cracked.

"It's gonna be more if i don't do it", Hobi quietly said.

Yoongi hugged him tight as they both began embracing the sorrow evening together.

"I can't afford to lose you", Yoongi whispered.

Hobi blinked and sniffed, he smiled.

"Me too".

A/n; Euthanasia: is the
practice of intentionally
ending a life to relieve
pain and suffering

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