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The taller buried his face deeper until his nose touched Jimin neck. Slowly he planted soft kisses on the collarbone which had Jimin grip one of his shoulders feeling sensitive at the sensation.

Jimin arched his neck leaning more to the back until his head bumped itself on the surface of the mirror making him sit on the table. His legs were in urge to spread open giving more access for Taemin to get closer.

Somehow the situation didn't seem right.

Didn't feel right.

The thought of Jimin not being held by anyone for a long period of time had him aroused as he felt needy for his desires.

It was all lust.

What am i doing..

Taemin held at the back of Jimin's neck and another hand gripping the tiny waist as he trailed upwards kissing on the neck then on the jawline.

Jimin's bare chest moved up and down due to this nervousness unsure of himself giving in or backing away.

He could feel the taller's breath brushing on his philtrum as he leaned in. They met eyes sending telepathy to each other as the taller pleaded to continue.

Jimin cupped Taemin's face signing a permission for him to taste his lips. Aggressively, the taller yanked his lips with Jimin's nibbling his lower lips in between his teeth.

Jimin let out a whimper as he felt warm hands snaking up on his chest. He whimpered again and again between the hungry kiss as Taemin's pad of thumb dug into his nipples rubbing on the swollen surface.

Taemin then shoved his tongue forcing to enter Jimin's mouth seeking of what's inside. Jimin was shocked at the friction of their tongues meeting making him open his eyes still not parting the smooch.

In a swift, Taemin stretched Jimin's legs to wrap around his waist and lifted him as he carried Jimin to the couch laying on top of him and he positioned himself in between the thick thighs.

Jimin panted looking at the dom above him taking off his coat as he couldn't bare the hotness surrounding him.

Taemin threw his coat to the side and leaned downwards to Jimin as he continued to smash their lips together. In the midst pleasure, Jimin slowly unbuttoned Taemin's shirt and trailed his hands to the latter's neck pulling him as close.

The long makeout paused when the taller slowly began moving his lower abdomen creating friction against the male beneath him.

"Taemin ah"

Jimin had his eyes closed shut as he breathed through his slightly parted mouth and held Taemin's face in his hands as they match the rhythm as they moved.

Taemin looked at Jimin underneath his fringes with all lust in his eyes as the younger's moaning strangled in between his vocal cords.

But Jimin lost focus.

He wasn't looking at him.

Jimin stared at his left index finger which he was holding Taemin's face. During the skin contact, he stared at something that made him realise he shouldn't be underneath another man.

The ring.

He finally realised why it felt wrong. He felt guilt raging up his chest. His inner self kept screaming at him telling him to stop. The question directed to himself begging and asking why he couldn't do it; he found the answer.

Yes, for the fact he broke up with Jungkook.

But the problem was that he was still inlove with that selfish asshole. And apparently so does Jungkook but he just wasn't sure.

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