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:Jimin's pov:

I was always told that time would heal the pain and eventhough it's been so long. It still hurts just the same.

Breath in breath out.

That's all i seem i can do. This haunting feeling keeps me up. I look at the time, it's a quarter past 7. Funny how the sky i peeked behind the curtains are still dark. Or is it just me, seeing darkness that's trapped in my mind?

My mind is racing. It just won't stop. I want to shout out to the morning that's still missing its sunrise. But as though it'd help me out of this suffocating world. No use.

I get really scared, insecure, guilty. All the unwanted sides i don't want you to see. But i couldn't help it. I feel that i'm never good enough. There are lots who are way better than me. So why did you choose to take my hand when i held out.

Cause if i'm you, i wouldn't choose me either.

I overthink a lot. I create sadness that i don't want you to even dare to handle. I cry easily, need love and attention constantly. I'm selfish. Needs to be assured often that i'm the only one that matters to you.

I'm needy.

I looked down at you. Sound asleep. I feel ease as you breath brushed against my neck. How the tickle makes me smile feeling so lucky that i am right now in your hold, on the same bed, on the same pillow. Our lower limbs somehow intertwines. I look down to your hands securely wrapped around my waist and mine locked against your chest not able to move.

I ducked my head so my face would be closer to your head having my lips touch your forehead. Not to kiss just let it stay there so just i could feel your skin. My breath escaping swiftly across your eyes, you open them waking up at the sudden feel.

:Author's pov:

Jungkook opened his right eye blurry from the sleep he just woke up lifting his face up to jimin who's staring at him,

"Slept well?" his raspy voice sent jimin shivers as he kissed his neck that's right in front of him.

Jimin hummed shifting his eyes to the curtains gracefully being blown.

"You called the guys?" Jungkook mumbled against the smaller's collarbone eyes closed.

Jimin hummed again. Him zoning out was blocked by jungkook's face as the taller climbed up a little to face him. Jimin's view now landed on the beautiful features on his boyfriend's face.

"Don't get up yet" jungkook whispered as he pulled jimin closer on his waist closing his eyes.

"I'm not" jimin blinked lidded behind his eyelashes staring into the sleepy eyes.

His hands made jimin felt like home. His eyes, his smiles. It's like he's falling in love all over again. Damn jimin just-


"Shit? For real? I just woke up and i couldn't even get a good morning ?" Jungkook was clueless as he looked back up to jimin

"No.. i think i miss you" jimin blurted out

"Hmm?" Jungkook cocked up an eyebrow, "but baby i'm here"

"just miss you" jimin tracing his fingers from jungkook's hair to his jawline, "just need you".

He guided the large hands to his buttcheek making him squeeze it, eyes still locked. A silent plead for the taller to touch him.

Jungkook smirked, how he found jimin adorable and sexy at the same time when he's needy. Jimin then took jungkook's thumb to his lower lip licking the pad of it still glaring deeply into his eyes.

They smashed their lips together roughly from the start. Shoving tongues fighting for dominance. Jimin bit jungkook's lower lip pulling it between his teeth with eyes seductively staring at him as the kiss parted.

Jimin went under the sheets disappearing himself from the sight quickly taking off jungkook's shorts revealing his tight boxer. With a hesitant touch, he took out the latter's cock and brushing his fingertips on the shiny leaking precum around the head. Not that massive but enough to make jimin gag.

Jungkook's hands on the side of jimin's head under the sheets bitting his own lips at the sight of his partner's eyes, half lidded with his lips slightly parted, cheeks crimson red from the sudden change of heat.

Jimin's hand on jungkook's thighs for balance and another on his own crotch slowly touching himself. Jimin flicked his tongue out giving kitten licks on the veiny shaft from the very base before taking long stripe and pressing flat his tongue on the slit.

"Quit playing babe" jungkook whispered as his hands dug into jimin's hair. Jimin bobbed his head down to the base as a respond making jungkook hissed and moaned feeling his member twitching at jimin's throat.

His mouth watered as jimin took the head in again and thrusting half the length into his mouth. Jungkook threw his head back when the warmth wrapped all around him and the smaller hands ghosting on the base of his cock. 

Jungkook's body trembled when jimin's tongue swirled and licking on his tip, his lower limbs slightly going numb at the sudden change of pace. He pushed jimin's head deeper arching his back as he's close. Jimin was willing to have it in his mouth washing down his throat but jungkook pulled him off.

Jungkook got up laying jimin on the bed telling him to turn around and he did. Jimin's back was facing the taller as he pulled the sweats off along with his boxers exposing a set of ass round and soft right in front of him.

He leaned forward snaking his hands under jimin's top trailing kisses down on his spine making jimin arched more upwards on his ass. The dom went down to the bottom spreading jimin's legs apart palming his face onto the tempting view as he used his tongue to prep the entrance.

"Kookie ah" jimin moaned and couldn't stay still of the unseen view on his back. Jungkook them pushed jimin's head down as he worked his tongue making him squirm into the pillow.
He then walked on his knees holding his member close enough to touch the hole.

He leaned forward giving jimin a kiss before entering. He caged the lower with hands on the bed next to jimin's head gripping the sheets as he thrusted in stopping to give jimin time.

"You good?" Jungkook whispered kissing his back.

Jimin nodded rapidly in need of jungkook's dominance. He moaned as loud when the taller began thrusting in and out. His stomach tightening.

Jimin loosened his body's grip on the bed giving jungkook all access to work on him. Their bodies kept clashing as the top abruptly went faster letting his instinct took over over.

Jimin felt his entire body shuddered in shock as he felt empty knowing jungkook pulled out. He was flipped to turn around facing the taller. His legs were held high up rested on jungkook's shoulders waiting to be shoved in again.

Jungkook knew very well how jimin liked to be fucked. At which angle he'd wreck the tight tiny hole and send him to full ecstasy. Seeing jimin submissive to him just had him assure he's better than he thought he was.

Jungkook slammed back in going rougher while his hands gripped on jimin's underthighs. Jimin whimpered at the sensation unable to open his eyes. Jungkook stared down at him overwhelmed by lust and went deeper every time jimin whined.

Jungkook loved that jimin was fully submitting to him and only him. He felt relief at the house being empty with how loud the smaller was moaning.

As they both were near climax, jungkook groaned real loud chasing his high. Couldn't stop himself staring at jimin who's lost in his mind beneath him.

Jimin's eyes rolled to the back of his head as jungkook kept hitting his sweet spot. They kissed as they climaxed falling back onto the bed panting over the tiredness.

A/n: climax is coming
in the next few chapters !!
Uhm climax i mean the
exciting part not sex type
of climax you dirty whores -,-
but do leave votes and
tell me how you like it,
thanks for reading 🖤

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