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Jimin tapped his feet rolling the pebbles underneath his shoe soles.


He ran as quick seeing Hyongju arriving across the road.

As soon as he got in Hyongju handed him a pastry.

"You don't have to hyung. It's not work day", Jimin put on his seat belt.

"That's my point. What's going on? You seem a little in rush", Hyongju began to leave the house compartment.

"I just want to find something out"

"Ooh you wanna be like Secret Agents or something?"

"You can say that. I mean someone needs to be the next Ashenden anyway"

"And that's me", Hyongju shrugged while stirring the wheel.

"No that's me", Jimin turned to him in disbelief.

"No thank you. You're the psychic Elsa"

Jimin chortled and tasted the pastry.

"Oh wow. This tastes good", Jimin looked at the texture.

"Oh yeah. Mum came for a visit to see her grandchildren so she made some for breakfast"

"Don't tell me i'm the only reason you got herein like five minutes after we hung up"

"Congratulations, you're not. My wife has been nagging since only lord knows when and i need to take some days off like literally for myself"

"Oh uhm..", Jimin handed him a paper bag, "i made pancakes. I already stuffed them with flavours so it wont get sticky. It's maple syrup"

"I never had maple syrup. My pancakes were always cinnamon and honey"

"Me too. I prefer cinnamon but this was meant for my boyfriend. We're not so good right now", Jimin pursed his lips.

"I have another preference for pancakes", Hyongju said.

"Ice cream","Ice cream?", Jimin and Hyongju said at the same time.

They both laughed at the strike.

"Anyways your boyfriend?"

"He's just being a brat. It's my fault to start with but i think he's playing around in the getting-mad-part"

"Over pancakes?"

Jimin choked at the pastry and looked at his manager.

"What?", Hyongju was clueless.

"Whatever you say hyung", Jimin shook his head.

They then reached.

Jimin told Hyongju to park two houses away. Just to see how long is Jungkook going to be there.

"Isn't this your friend's house?", Hyongju asked at a halt.

"Yeah. I think they're hiding something from me", Jimin narrowed his eyes to see Jungkook's car parked outside.


"My boyfriend too"

"Like cheating on your best friend kinda thing?"

"What? Hyongju! No.. you watch too much dramas. You better stream the ones with how to solve my wife nagging issue kinda dramas. That'll be more beneficial", Jimin ignored the latter who was teasing.

"Stings chim"

It wasn't long until Jungkook came out with Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi.

Jimin was like a hawk eye watching their every move.

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