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"Jimin ?" Jungkook still infront of him confused.

"I just don't wanna go back to class", Jimin looked away.

Jungkook thought about something for a second. He pulled by his hand arriving at where his motorbike was parked. He took out another spare helmet,

"Let's have some fresh air" he held the helmet to Jimin.

Jimin didn't think twice, just wanted to get out of there for a moment. Having too many negative thoughts if he were to continue class.
And fresh air would be nice, better than dealing with unknown people trying to hook up and more than expected, fuck him.

Jungkook started his bike and pulled the handle a few times letting fume and the growling sound to radiate the parking lot. Jimin held his shoulders for balance and sat behind him, a little distant trying not to touch.

Jungkook turned a little to Jimin and tapped on his own shoulder signalling to hold on. Jimin awkwardly held onto him. As they exit the school, his grip became tighter, and it was a hell of a ride.

The ride was fast, but nice fast.

Jungkook was steady passing through cars and other riders, taking corners with no sudden turn, perfect when it came to bumps. Jimin at the back loosened his grip, slowly feeling ease throughout the ride. The air breeze colliding him was everything he ever wished for. He then let go of jungkook and held both his hands up high, enjoying the cherished moment he'd hardly get.

The 10 minute drive slowed down at a peak of a mountain.

"Where are we going", he tugged on the school uniform,

"You'll see",

He stopped at the very top of the mountain. He got down taking off his helmet revealing his messy hair. Jungkook held out his hand for Jimin to reach and helped him get down.

And he was astonished by the view before him. The cool breeze tickling his nose, the sound of birds chirping from a reasonable distance, the wide paper town packed with small building figure like beneath his feet stretched a smile on Jimin's face, feeling calm, eyes closed shut.

He took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air through his nostrils, his feet inches away from the end of the ground. Putting away the bad memory he'd been through. He opened his eyes, having courage just to start over.

Jimin looked to the side seeing jungkook resting on where permanent rocks stuck to the ground sipping a can of beer. He walked towards him and sat on the lower rock a bit infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook tapped Jimin's thigh with his shoe making him turn around. He passed him another can of beer which he received hesitantly.

"What", Jungkook looked at Jimin confused,

"I never drink", Jimin scanned the beer in his hand.

"You don't have to-",

Jimin in a second opened the can and gulped two to three swallows at once. He finished the beer in a flash wiping the leftovers on his lips.

Jungkook was in awe, shocked. He chuckled at the sudden change. He stared at the view blinking a few times recalling his memory here,

"It's my favourite spot", Jimin turned to him, "It's a spot for three good buddies. But they don't go here anymore", he started to think about Namjoon and Jin.

"But you brought me here", he stared at his empty can.

"That's what they did when i was in trouble," Jimin turned to him again, "i was stressing bad after class and the two guys brought me here, we hung out here every single day, ate here, even slept here, telling me everything would be alright",

"Then what..",

"Everything was alright".

Jimin felt ease at Jungkook's words. Thinking he should set a new pace, a new mindset, a fresh beginning.

"Thank you.. really", Jimin held his wrist.

Jungkook nodded taking the last sip of his beer, crashing it and putting it at his side. He glanced at Jimin who's lost in the picturesque view,

"Just now.. you said sorry to your dad"

Jimin startled by the question, took a deep breath,

"I hate my dad" he looked down to his feet


"I came to seoul to get away from him. He told me if i live under his roof, i need to follow his rules"

"So you have your own roof ?"

"Yeah, quite small for a start. I'm doing part time jobs too. And yeah moving on my own is better."

"But why did y-"

"It's getting kinda late" jimin got up walking towards to the motorbike helping himself to put on the helmet.

Jungkook knew he must be hiding something but didn't want to bug his nose into someone's business. He knew his boundaries.

They took off straight to Jimin's apartment. It was 8pm. Jimin got off waiting for Jungkook to leave

"Thanks again"

"Don't mention it"

"Go straight to bed"

"Oh, my shift is 30mins from now", Jimin glanced at his watch.

"You need company ?"

"I'll be fine"

Jungkook put on his helmet, hands held on the handle, but didn't move for quite a moment. He lifted the shade and turned to Jimin,

"Gimme your phone"

Jimin took out his phone and confusingly handing it to him. Jungkook typed something fast and gave it back to him. He took off without a word disappearing from his view.

He smiled finding jungkook's phone number that he left, at least he had someone to rely on.

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