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"You wanna go for a walk ?", Yoongi helped Hobi to walk out from the toilet.

"Sure but isn't Jimin around ?", Hobi worried.

"You want me to call h—"

"Am here", Jimin walked inside the room waving.

"Jimin ! You came here right when i need you !", Hobi got excited running to him.

"Careful", Jimin caught at his arms.

"Let's go for a walk", Hobi pulled him out.

The two passed by the huge glass window foreseeing the view of a beautiful garden. Patients and nurses walking around. Some on wheelchairs some on benches. Outspoken and quiet.

Enjoying the precious moments they hardly get.

Jimin and Hobi sat by the open flower garden on a bench. Settled with warm coffee in their hands.

Jimin turned to Hobi. His skin complexion wasn't as stunning. His hands somehow trembling. The veins on his feet and neck were more obvious since he didn't really have the appetite to eat. The backbone right above the collar of the blue and white striped shirt sank down every time he breathed.

He's not the same.

"Do you enjoy staring at me ?", Hobi stole a glance with his eyes.

"Hell yeah i do. I can tell why Yoongi wants someone beautiful so much", Jimin blurted the common sense.

"If compliments could heal pain i'd be begging for it", Hobi smirked.

"There are ways to heal them tho", Jimin completely turned to him sitting on the bench.

"Jimin, i can't be healed completely", Hobi slowly shook his head.

"What are you saying ? You can go for chemo, o-or.. or get an organ transplant—"

"Jimin", Hobi tried cutting off.

"I !", Jimin hit his own chest, "I'd be willing to find you a donor. You can even have mine but it's just that our blood doesn't match. Your family.. or maybe someone out there is kind enough to-"

"Jimin i don't want that", Hobi stated.

Jimin was speechless, "w-why.."

"Look around", Hobi pointed with arms opened.

Jimin sighed looking at the patients. All with different pains and misery. Treated like a new born child, being fed, being clothed.

"Living like this ? I don't want it", said Hobi.

"Some barely breathe. You should appreciate that you're still able to live like everyone", Jimin almost raised his voice.

"Live like everyone ? Jimin i can tell what my future plans for me. I know my fate. Having Yoongi come here almost everyday is already absurd. None of you deserve to come and see me being pathetic seeking for love and attention"

"How could you say that ? Everyone loves you ! You don't even have to ask for it"

"Either willing or not, Park Jimin. I wanna let go. I wanna let myself be free from all of this. I don't want to start over cause i don't need all that. I never wanted peace in my life as much as i do now. When i look back into my life, all i see is pain, mistakes and heartaches"

"Hobi you're not all that. You're none of that and i mean at all", Jimin sounded desperate.

"I am happy. I am grateful. But i'm hurting and never healing. All at the same time. So never ask me how i do it because i don't know. But i'm the one feeling it and i'm proud of myself. I love everyone and though it hasn't been that long, i don't want it anymore"

"Hobi listen to yourself"

"I heard", Hobi nodded, "i don't want it anymore. I wanna go..in peace"

"..hobi", Jimin looked down rubbing his face with both his palms.

"And trust me no one can change that decision for me. Do you understand ?", Hobi waited.

Jimin from sniffing he looked up at Hobi.

"I understand", he smiled.

"Thank you", Hobi pulled him at his shoulder resting his chin on it, "thank you so much"

Jimin stroked his back in return. Embracing as tight. He didn't ever want to let go.

Though he knew one day he will.

Slam !

Jimin sat down on the toilet seat lid. Letting everything out. Fears and tears.

He covered his mouth as tight. Another hand on his chest. He could feel his heartbeat almost bursting.

A million memories flashed through his mind. But he just whimpered quietly.

He's not mad. He's hurt. And there's a difference.

Knock knock

"It's occupied", Jimin wiped his eyes.

"It's me", Jungkook from behind the door said.

Jimin opened up the door meeting the tall male and those bambi eyes.

"I saw you ran in here. And i bought you dumplings", Jungkook shrugged showing off his dumplings in a paper bag.

Jimin sniffed.

"Guess dumplings don't solve the problem"

A weak smile appeared on Jimin's face. He walked forward to hug his lover.

"I..i got this", he said even with tears in his eyes.

"You do. If you fall, i'll be there", Jungkook said.

"Stop being so cheesy", Jimin told him in the hug.

"Oh i was referring to the floor. It'll be there"

Jimin hit Jungkook on the back.

"Fuck you", he hugged him again tighter.

"Love you too"

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