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"Everyone" mrs min clanked her wine glass asking for people's attention,

"My son.." she pointed to yoongi walking down the stairs holding hands with hobii

The guests gasped in awe, some forced to smile, some sincerely clapping as they saw a stranger walking with the son of the famous estate agent of the biggest company in korea, yoongi.

As an only son, he's next in line for which everything his parents had to give away falls onto his hands. Anyone would be flustered to get married to him knowing his future would settle very well.

As the party continued, yoongi walked around with hobii not leaving his side, too awkward as he knew no one there and didn't think he'd fit in such events. And it's only a celebration for graduating for god's sake.

"I was expecting a girl. No offence" one of his cousins shrugged sipping his wine.

"How long you've known each other?" Another bitch questioning

"More than a year" hobii smiled

"Not long" she smiled annoyingly and continued talking to her company next to her

"You cute. But i think yoongi finds me cuter" a guy made hobii scoffed

Hobii just had to bare with a those sluts trying to steal yoongi from him. He's been sighing for the infinity times annoyed at the useless questions and reactions

"Sorry" yoongi turned to him

"Don't be. I think i can handle them" hobii smirked, "but where the hell are those two"


"I told you we should take yoongi's limo" jimin babbled

"I told you, limos are bad places to be if it's only us two. We'll end up staying in there longer making love" jungkook teased jimin

Jimin hit him on his arm rolling his eyes. They got to yoongi's house a little late due to traffic. As they approached the front door, jimin stopped,

"How do i look?" He asked jungkook

"Who are you looking good for" jungkook cocked up an eyebrow

"You, dummy" he chuckled

"Better not let those businessmen tryna hook you up"

"We'll see" jimin jokingly responded as he wrapped around jungkook's arm entering the mansion.

Hobii immediately ran to jimin and jungkook as he saw them waving,

"Got stabbed huh?" Jungkook smirked

"I stabbed them harder" hobii sassed, "save me" he pulled jimin to the bar section

Yoongi calmly walked with jungkook in the crowded room,

"So you're taking business management in college later?" Jungkook asked

"Mum don't even want me study anymore. She wants me to work with her until i get my dad's place" yoongi explained

Jungkook nodded understanding yoongi's situation.

"How about you?"

"Same words, same fate. Except for.. i want to do art. Which has nothing to do with a sports brand clothing" he sighed

"How about modelling?" Yoongi suggested

"What ? I wanna draw, not show off my butt on the runaway to people" jungkook take aback

"Not that dumbass. Hire models to work with your sketching. Let them model for you, and your products are already crazy, i'm sure you'll be having your own art gallery exhibitions in no time"

Jungkook pursed his lips nodding.

"Trust me you'll be successful faster than i do"  yoongi patted on the taller's shoulder

"You know you should have talked like this from the beginning, i wouldn't have called you an asshole" jungkook slipped away from getting a smack by the elder.


"I can't get used to this" hobii munched on the peanuts in a small bowl infront of him at the bar's counter

"Yeah, you're having too much nuts" jimin pushed the bowl away from him

"You know what i mean. I love yoongi for him. Not for all of this. I didn't even know he's an estate agent's son until i woke up drunk and naked on his bed being treated like a princess. The maids were giving me a massage. And there were three of them!" Hobii's story had jimin laughed out loud

"But guess what" jimin looked at him

"What" hobii lazily responded

"I bet you're gonna take the place of mrs min anyways" jimin made hobii rolled his eyes

"And we still have another year in school urgh" hobii continued eating the peanuts

"Can you stop complaining? My ears sore" jimin rubbed his ears in annoyance

"Can i get you anything else?" The bartender politely asked

"We're good" jimin smiled

"You don't need a date?" he flirted

"Oh, hm i already have one" jimin looked away

"I don't see him anywhere. Like we can hang out after the party if you'd like" the bartender shamelessly winked

"No thank you" jimin turned to hobii exchanging disgusted faces

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm Soo. Chan soo" he held out his hand for a shake

"And i'm jungkook. Jeon jungkook."

Oh my

jungkook grabbed the bartender's hand instead with a blank expression making him back off

"Come" jungkook pulled jimin off the chair walking to the balcony outside

"It's only been 30 minutes and you're already prepared to get kidnapped by some guy who'll bring you to a fancy date with candles on the dining table and leaves you after a one night stand wannabe" jungkook shook his head

"You're so dramatic. And jealous" jimin teased

"I'm every right to be so" he held jimin on his waist making jimin turn to him

Jimin in his hold rested his head on jungkook's chest playing with his coat

"What's wrong" jungkook looked at the lower

"Your birthday's coming soon" jimin said loud enough for jungkook to hear


"You're gonna have a huge event. Just like this one. Your families are gonna be there. And i'm gonna be there"


"i'm just scared"

"Hey, my parents like you so much. You know that right? Nothing could go wrong" he rubbed jimin's back

"I'm not scared of sarcasm or your cousins spitting on me.. it's your thing so it affects you. Your future. And me being with you will burden you more" jimin sounded worried

"Don't say that. I promise everything will be ok" he hugged jimin tightly knowing jimin cared for him way than he cared for himself.

Little did anyone know, promises can also be just words.

A/n: Hallooo~ 🤘🏻 updates !
It's a weekend so i have
enough time to update more,
do enjoy!
Thanks for reading
and waiting, hearteu 🖤

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