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They packed.

"I wish we'd stay here for another week", Jimin said while folding clothes.

"If that's so we can't get married", Jungkook said sitting opposite him at the dressing table.

"Kookie..", Jimin turned to him, "am i being a pushover ?"

"In what terms ?"

"Really ??", Jimin was in disbelief.

"Kidding..but what makes you say that ?", Jungkook scoffed.

"You're not answering me", Jimin waited.

"No baby. Not at all", Jungkook got up towards him.

"I'm just..a bit nervous.. our wedding", Jimin looked down.

"When we get home, it's finally our big day. We're gonna dress so cool and cry at sweet and cringe speeches, give or take and we're gonna put each other a ring on this finger", they collided foreheads and Jimin giggled.

"Things will go well", Jimin said.

"Yes it will", Jungkook landed a kiss on him.

"Not to interrupt you almost-newlyweds but we gotta catch a flight", Jin at the door along with the others stared and laughed at the two.

"Let's get it !"

"Hey", Yoongi tapped Hobi on the shoulder in the plane.

"Hmm ?"

"Jin wants to chat", he pointed across.

Hobi scooted over to Jin.

"We need a date. Like right away. You can decide till this weekend", Jin whispered.

"The wedding is in a few days.. can it be after ?", Hobi hoped.

"Sure", Jin said and he grabbed Hobi's arm before he got to leave, "hey, you can still change your mind", he said.

"Hyung, you're the first person and the only doctor i have trust for. Please support my decision", Hobi pleaded quietly.

"Okay. I do", Jin patted his back with a smile.


"You're back !", Mrs Jeon held up a sign at the arrivals.

"Mum what's with the big sign ??", Jungkook took it down as she hugged him.

"Welcome Jungkook x Jimin, Mrs Jeon i'm hurt", Yoongi read and pouted.

"I've known you for long Yoongi you're like my second son", she said and Yoongi smiled at her sweetly.

"Dinner time. Tonight we celebrate for everyone !", Jin said.

The table was full. They booked a room and had quite a feast.

"Here yee here yee", Tae clinked his glass with a fork.

"Okay everyone listen up", Yoongi called out.

"So, to begin with.. we have our main couple here, Jungkook, the groom-to-be and Jimin, also the groom-to-be", everyone quietly laughed and clapped while looking at Jimin covering his face blushing. 

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