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\\at the end of the year//

Jimin and jungkook skipped class for the whole day. They quickly changed their uniforms into casual attires. Seeing the line cleared, they sneakily went into their school hall sitting among the audiences.

Jimin took out his phone from the pocket on his pants and texted hobii.

Jm; where are you ??? We're here now

Hb; i'm with mrs min at the front row.

Jm; see you in a bit

The guys were excited as ever, ready with their camera, and a small banner. They were more impatient than any other parent.

As teachers passed by, they ducked their heads not wanting to be recognised.

"Greetings and good morning i bid to all parents, family members, teachers and to fellow students. Today is a day of rejoicing for it marks the first step that every child must undertake to open up another important stage of their lives"

As the ceremony went on, jimin looked around looking for yoongi while tapping on jungkook's shoulder rapidly.

"What??" Jungkook whispered trying not to cause a ruckus in the ceremony

"I can't see yoongi" jimin turned his head to every direction lengthening his neck like a giraffe.

"Relax.. he won't miss his own graduation day. Trust me" jungkook pulled jimin back to his seat.

"Now it's the moment we've all been waiting for, a moment where no parent on earth would want to miss, seeing their sons and daughters on stage is just a dream come true everyone could hope for." The emcee spoke with such elegance almost making jimin jump out from the seat too eager to watch yoongi get on stage.

As names were called one by one, they finally saw yoongi queueing in line wearing a robe nearly touching the ground, a graduation cap perfectly fitting his head covering the back of his scalp and a neat ocean blue necktie to go with.

Yoongi looked around and saw hobii next to his mum waving at him. He waved back smiling to his ears, excited and also anxious to walk on the stage.

"Next, the student who received the highest merit from academic achievements, one of the annually batch's support and maintainer for ranking, student Min Yoongi, please welcome"

Yoongi carefully walked on the steps as he heard the loudest cheers from jimin yet jungkook trying to calm him down.

He waved to them and his mum standing up for him as he approached the principal receiving the scroll with a few shots by the cameraman.

He took a deep breath and stepped up on the podium located on the side of the stage facing everyone in their seats. He closed his eyes for a moment and held the mic adjusting it to align with his mouth.

"Hello, everyone," he cleared his throat from the nervousness.

"Well," he gulped shifting his eyes to hobii who nodded to him as a support making him smile.

"Well.. hmm as you can see, here we are. Fresh high school graduates, funny how all this years that's filled with joy with friends, sadness in failures, wrath of jealousy, stress, loaded with homework and unsolved questions.. it's finally over. But it's..it's just graduation you know. And the 'just' i mean, isn't simply a just. Grateful of course is what everyone is feeling.. to ourselves, parents especially, teachers and friends.." yoongi pausing to glance at jimin and jungkook,

"After today, we'd be a lot busier choosing college, majors we plan to do, meeting new people on the outside world, graduating like us right now. You'll realise when you never get to see the same person with huge glasses next to you in math class anymore. Thank god" everyone laughed for a few seconds,

"And then people would ask, what do you wanna be, what do you wanna do. We can't just shrug or ignore and say maybe later. cause we have to start choosing. Eventually..and let's be honest, this isn't a goodbye, not yet anyway. Surely one day as you go to shop diapers for your babies, let's say hi if we're ever pass on the same isle. Though life is short, just know it never slows down. Bones become fragile, and eventually breaks, people die for hearts become weak. So i say live. Live for your own worthiness and to the people your love"

The audience clapped appreciating yoongi's meaningful speech. He walked straight out of the hall hugging his mum whose crying in happiness.

"I'm so proud of you" his mum kissed his cheek

"Thanks so much mum" as he hugged

"Dad?" Yoongi asked,

"He's coming for dinner" his mum stroked his head

Hobii just behind them looked away avoiding yoongi to see his teary eyes. Happy as he finally graduated from highschool, sad cause he's leaving.

Yoongi walked to pulling him into a hug tightly embracing the moment as hobii wrapped his hands around him sobbing.

"I'll come visit, i promise" said yoongi

Hobii nodded pouting as he got a kiss on his forehead.

"Ok we're really missing out alot right now" jungkook interrupted from behind

"Congrats yoongi hyung" jimin smiled as yoongi hugged him

"Couldn't have done it without you guys"

"Party's at 8 everyone, don't wanna miss the cheese fountain do we" Yoongi's mum went to her car

"we'll be there mrs min" jimin cutely jumped

\\at yoongi's house//

"You sure ?" Hobii sitting on his bed wiping off his sweaty palms

"They're not gonna say anything. It's my party" yoongi fixed his bow tie in front of the mirror

"If you say so" hobii got up hugging yoongi from the back

Yoongi turned to him to kiss him on the forehead, cupping his face with his hands, "never leave my side" hobii nodded and they kissed on the lips.

He led hobii out from his room holding his hands. As the door opened, the house was crowded with people, not chaotic, just full.

People with drinks in their hands, beautiful dresses and tuxedos chatting and eating. All originally from the parents of CEOs, well known donators, famous clothing designers, chairmen of huge companies. So called,

The riches.

Yoongi's living room was enormous enough to have a ball as an event. He was born rich but never bragged about it. From generations above, his families' families were all crazy rich and well known people, too fragile to handle.

And hobii who he himself admitted that he's a nobody was very nervous as yoongi decided to introduce him to all of them.

Scared that he would be spit on.

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